Chevington Woods

Trustee meeting minutes 3/15/04


March 15, 2004

President Comanita called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

The presiding officer ascertained the presence of a quorum with eight (8) trustees in attendance:

Carol Comanita, President
Don Roeder, Treasurer
Will Snell, Secretary
Teresa Hartley
Janet Price
Julie Squire
Rachel Hintz
Lisa Ross

Reading of the minutes: The Chair noted the minutes of the February 16, 2004 regular meeting had been previously distributed via email to the trustees and advised, that if there were no objections, the minutes could be approved as distributed. Trustee Squier moved to waive the reading of the minutes; the motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Roeder presented his report to the Trustees assembled. President Comanita called for questions or comments. Following a general discussion concerning CWCA accounts Trustee Hintz made a motion to move the monies in the savings account into the checking account to eliminate the service fee. The motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent. It was also the consensus of opinion among the Trustees assembled that the CWCA investigate other banking options to maximize the return on investments and reduce banking fees for all monies held by the Association.

Reports of Standing Committees:

Street Light Committee:

Trustee Snell distributed a written report to the Trustees assembled in regard to the findings of a street light/entrance light audit. It was noted the report was based upon actual kilowatt usage as recorded by a meter installed for the sole purpose of recording the amount of electricity required to maintain the street lights over a period of one year. The report also included a proposed letter to be sent to the residents involved advising of changes in the past CWCA street light cost reimbursement policy to reflect a more accurate, but fair, reimbursement policy.

Following a discussion among the Trustees assembled, Trustee Roeder moved the adoption of the report. The motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent. Thereafter, President Comanita instructed Secretary Snell to implement the action taken by the Trustees by mailing the letter, with the audit report attached, to the residents who provide street/entrance light electricity to Chevington Woods.

During the ensuing discussion it was the consensus of opinion that South Central Power should be contacted to explore the possibility of SCP assuming responsibility for supplying the power to, and maintenance of, the street/entrance lights with service meters as required.

Reports of Ad Hoc Committees:

Chevington Woods Directory Committee:

Trustee Hartley reported on the meeting that she and Trustee Snell had had with the printer. Mistakes were found in the first galley produced and were corrected. It was noted that the Directory was being updated as information became available from residents responding to the questionnaire mailed along with the dues invoices in January. It was also noted that if the CWCA waited on a response from all residents the Directory would never be published. It was the consensus of opinion among the Trustees assembled that the Directory Committee proceed as expeditiously as possible to get the Directory printed and distributed to the residents of Chevington Woods. Trustee Hartley responded that an additional meeting would be held with the printer to review the next galley and the process would be concluded as quickly as possible. President Comanita expressed her appreciation for the time and effort volunteered by Trustees Hartley and Snell in the effort to get the Directory completed as quickly as possible.

Unfinished Business:

North Reserve and Playground:

Even though Trustee Briggs was unavoidably absent, he arranged for his written report to be distributed to the Trustees assembled. The Trustees reviewed the report and expressed appreciation for such a detailed report for the Trustees to consider. It was noted that Davey Tree Company had verbally submitted a bid of $550 to remove three dead trees and “chip” any brush created by the tree removal and clean up efforts scheduled after the Easter egg hunt. Thereafter a general discussion was held including information offered by various Trustees on costs they had incurred that were significantly higher for tree removal/trimming than the bid submitted by Davey Tree Company. It was also noted that Chevington Woods is indeed a wooded community and Davey Tree was providing a low bid to a non-profit civic association for PR purposes. It was the consensus of opinion among the Trustees that each Trustee would seek more information but Davey Tree was clearly the Company of choice as of this date.

Deed Restriction Committee: Chairman Comanita noted that she would soon complete her NCAA Women’s Basketball officiating obligations and wanted to schedule a Deed Restriction Committee meeting as soon as possible after the Easter Holiday. Following a general discussion it was agreed the Deed Restriction Committee would meet, the day following Easter, on April 12, 2004.

New Business:

Trustee Snell noted that he had lived in Chevington Woods for almost 14 years and had never seen a CWCA financial report. He further explained that when he agreed to accept the position of CWCA Trustee he promised the Chevington Woods residents, who encouraged him to represent Area 11, that he would ask the CWCA to publish an annual financial report. He further noted that he had served on the Auditing Committee and every penny was properly accounted for during the year 2003 and a report should be furnished to the residents reflecting the Committee’s findings.

Thereafter a discussion was held among the Trustees assembled and all agreed that a financial report should be included in the next Chevington Woods Newsletter. Accordingly, Trustee Hartley made a motion that the next issue of the CWCA Newsletter include a financial report reflecting the findings of the Audit Committee for the year 2003. The motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent.

Thereafter the Trustees assembled discussed various items of interest including preparation for the Easter egg hunt on the Saturday prior to Easter, the Secretary providing up-to-date Area lists for Directory distribution, Eastway Drive street sign line of sight from SR 204 and other matters of general interest.

Following the discussion of matters of general interest, the President called for any other business to come before the Trustees. Hearing none, the President noted she would entertain a motion to adjourn. Trustee Squier so moved, the motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent.

Respectfully submitted,

Will Snell, Secretary

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