February 16, 2004
President Comanita called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.
The presiding officer ascertained the presence of a quorum with six (6) trustees in attendance:
Carol Comanita, President
Mark Briggs, Vice President
Will Snell, Secretary
Teresa Hartley
Janet Price
Julie Squire
Reading of the minutes: The Chair noted the minutes of the January 19, 2004 regular meeting had been previously distributed via email to the trustees and advised, that if there were no objections, the minutes could be approved as distributed. Trustee Hartley moved to waive the reading of the minutes; the motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Roeder was unavoidably absent but furnished the Treasurer’s report to President Comanita prior to the meeting for distribution to the Trustees present.
A question was raised in regard to the CWCA real estate tax paid to the county for the North and South reserves since the CWCA was a non-profit corporation. The President assigned the Secretary to contact the Fairfield County Auditor’s office for an explanation.
Reports of Standing Committees:
Street Light Committee: Chairman Snell reported that he had discovered some errors in the street light records and was continuing to explore a better way to more fairly reimburse street light residents and entrance light residents for the actual cost of electricity to maintain the Chevington Woods street and entrance lights. He also noted there may be a need to change the current reimbursement practice to more accurately conform to generally accepted accounting practices since the CWCA had established a QuickBooks accounting format.
Reports of Ad Hoc Committees:
Chevington Woods Directory Committee: It was noted that the Directory was in the hands of the printer and the Committee was awaiting a meeting with the printer to review the draft version to edit prior to the final printing.
Of continuing concern was the issue of advertising. It was noted that the Committee could not be sure of advertising accuracy in the Directory because the advertising materials gathered prior to December 2003 were in the possession of Trustee Ladrick who had failed to respond to two emails from President Comanita to return the materials to the new Directory Committee appointed at the December 19, 2003 emergency meeting.
After much discussion among the trustees, Trustee Briggs made a motion that President Comanita write a letter, certified mail – return receipt requested, to Trustee Ladrick requesting the return of the CWCA property in her possession. The motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent.
Unfinished Business:
North Reserve and Playground: Trustee Snell reported that he needed some guidance from the Trustees in regard to budget figures before presenting any suggested playground equipment. He also noted that it had not been determined what present equipment could be repaired as opposed to what should be dismantled and replaced.
During the ensuing discussion a consensus of opinion emerged that the first priority should be to clean up the North Reserve and make it a safe and pleasant place for the residents to visit. It was also agreed that special emphasis should be placed upon maintaining the cemetery in an effort to restore as much decorum as possible without disturbing the historical essence of the plot.
Thereafter, Trustee Briggs volunteered to visit the North Reserve with tree trimming professionals and report back to the trustees with recommendations for their consideration.
Deed Restriction Committee: Chairman Comanita noted that she was in the most hectic part of the basketball season and must keep prior commitments. However, she also noted her commitment to the Committee and advised that she would be in contact with the trustees via email to set a meeting date as soon as possible.
New Business:
President Comanita called for any other matter a Trustee wished to bring before the Trustees assembled. Hearing none, she entertained a motion from Trustee Briggs to adjourn, which was duly seconded, and passed without dissent.
Respectfully submitted,
Will Snell, Secretary