Chevington Woods

10/23/03 Trustee Meeting Minutes


October 20, 2003

President Comanita called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

President Comanita ascertained the presence of a quorum with seven (7) Trustees in attendance:

Carol Comanita, President
Will Snell, Secretary
Lisa Ross
Don Roeder
Theresa Hartley
Julie Squier
Jill Ladrick

Reading of the minutes: President Comanita noted the minutes had been previously distributed via email to the trustees and advised, that if there were no objections, the minutes would be approved as distributed. An objection was raised about the accuracy of the minutes distributed. A discussion ensued among the trustees present in regard to the minutes of the September 22, 2003 meeting.

Subsequently, the minutes were approved as distributed with the understanding that President Comanita would clearly define the duties, which are not clearly defined in the CWCA Bylaws, of all persons designated to handle the business of the Association. It was the consensus of opinion among the Trustees that the president of the Association should approve all public mailings/distribution of documents attributed to the Association prior to publication or distribution.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Mark Briggs was absent.

Reports of Committees: There were no Standing Committee or Ad Hoc Committee reports.

Unfinished Business:

1. Auditing Committee – Chairperson Squier noted that she had picked up the financial records from former Treasurer Hartley and would host a meeting of the Committee at her residence. The Auditing Committee set a meeting date for October 22, 2003 at the residence of Chairperson Squier.

2. Office of Treasurer: President Comanita reported to the Trustees that she had sent a letter via USPS to Treasurer Mark Briggs setting forth his failure to attend Trustee meetings, to acquire the CWCA financial records and to demonstrate any effort whatsoever in performing the duties of his office. She noted there was no response to the letter or emails previously sent to him and that her letter noted that if he did not respond he would be considered as having voluntarily resigning the office of Treasurer.

Trustee Hartley made a motion, which was duly seconded, that Treasurer Briggs be removed from office for failure to perform the duties of the office. The motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent.

The President then called for a special election to fill the vacant office of Treasurer. Trustee Squier nominated Trustee Roeder for the office of Treasurer. The President called for other nominations. After hearing none, Trustee Snell moved the nominations be closed and that Trustee Roeder be elected by acclamation. The motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent.

Thereafter, President Comanita noted that since Trustee Briggs had not indicated any intent to participate in the business of the CWCA, she was removing him from the Deed Restriction Committee. President Comanita then asked for a replacement Deed Restriction Committee member nominee from the Trustees present. Hearing none, President Comanita reduced the Deed Restriction Committee to the four remaining members.

New Business:

1. Trustee Constituents List: Trustee Hartley made a motion that the
Trustees be furnished a list of resident’s names and addresses residing in
their respective areas via USPS. The motion was duly seconded and
passed without dissent. President Comanita instructed Secretary Snell
to handle the matter. Secretary Snell noted that when the data was
available that he would prepare the lists and mail them to the Trustees.

2. Chevington Pool: Trustee Ross made a report to the Trustees present
in regard to the Chevington Swimming Pool. The Chevington Pool is
suffering financial difficulty. Thereafter, there was a discussion in regard
to the CWCA’s responsibility should the Chevington Pool corporation be
dissolved. Trustee Ross further reported that the Pool Board had a new
Treasurer, Denny Fisher, who was optimistic about the financial future of
Pool. Secretary Snell made a motion that Trustee Ross invite Mr. Fisher
to attend a meeting of the CWCA Trustees and address the current
situation with the Chevington Pool. The motion was duly seconded and
passed without dissent.

3. Recognition of Volunteer Service: Secretary Snell noted that
Chevington Woods residents Len Hritzo and Paul Grubb had faithfully
donated their time and effort for some seventeen (17) years to maintain
the street and entrance lights of Chevington Woods. Accordingly, he felt
the CWCA should recognize their dedicated, volunteer service by
presenting them with an appropriate gift.

Following a discussion among the Trustees present, Secretary Snell made
a motion that the CWCA purchase a $50 gift certificate each so that Mr.
Hritzo and Mr. Grubb could enjoy a dinner with their wives at CWCA
expense. The motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent.
Trustee Hartley volunteered to acquire the gift certificates and
deliver them to Mr. Hritzo and Mr. Grubb in behalf of the residents of
Chevington Woods.

4. There was a general discussion among the Trustees in regard to the
dates for the November and December meetings of the Trustees. It was
the consensus of opinion that the November meeting should be held
beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, November 24, 2003 at the Township
office and that the December meeting should be held at the same time and
place on Monday, December 15, 2003.

There being no further business, Trustee Squier made a motion to adjourn. The motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Will Snell, Secretary

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