Churchill Estates Homes Association, Inc. (CEHA) is the association for the entire subdivision, outside the gate as well as inside the gate. Residents of both areas pay dues to CEHA.
1. If you only owe dues for 2021, select the drop-down menu below for the month in which you are making payment to see what you owe. The drop-down menus are broken into two menus, January-June and July-December.
2. The amount shown on the invoice that was mailed to you will be different from the amount shown below because PayPal fees are added here for paying online.
3. In addition to PayPal fees, starting in February, late fees are added to the amounts shown below. Later in the year, other fees are included such as certified mail costs and legal fees for filing liens.
4. Be sure to have the owner's full name and CEHA physical property address for the property for which payment is being made.**
5. If your billing address is not the same as the physical address for your property within CEHA, when you are submitting your payment information, you MUST click on "Shipping Address" and provide the physical address for your property within CEHA.
6. If you have a prior balance on your account, a credit on your account, or you are paying only a portion of what you owe on your account, you must contact the Financial Manager at JJCEHA@GMAIL.COM or (210) 697-3280 to determine the amount that you should pay so as to account for all fees that are owed. Once you know the amount owed, make a payment by clicking the "Pay Now" button under "Other Payment Amounts."
**If you do not provide your physical address for the property for which you are paying, your PayPal payment will be rejected.