City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes May-July 2007

May 2007

City Heights Area Planning Committee

MINUTES May 7, 2007

Metro Career Center -Conference Room

3910 University Ave.

1. Call to order. Present: Liz Avalon, Jose Cervantes, Sam Charry, Russ Connelly, Stefanie Harris, Valentina Hernandez, Mark Kassab, Cassandra Lewis-Beavers, Ahmed Malinomar, Mazda Mehraz, Jude Mendez, David Nelson, Mohamed Omar, Jessie Sergent, David Taylor, Patty Vaccariello, Abdullahi Yusuf, Jim Varnadore

Absent: Joyce Brown

2. Public Comment was received from Kerri Everett about graffiti and Pat Calloway about homeownership programs at Price Charities.

3. Government Reports were received from Katrina Crawford about the city budget deliberations, from Todd Gloria noting recent federal legislation and new passport requirements, and from Melissa Devine announcing that the COW will be held June 23 and that the General Plan environmental document is available at the city website.

4. Committee Member Announcements were received from Hernandez about a recent Swan Canyon cleanup, and from Vaccariello about the Islenair Historic District designation.

5. The April minutes were not available and were continued.

6. Kassab moved, Vaccariello seconded to approve the Agenda. The committee voted 16/0/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.

7.1. The Committee heard a request for a Neighborhood Use Permit at 4010 Wabash Avenue. The applicant, the designer, and the contractor offered the presentation. After discussion, Hernandez moved, Vaccariello seconded to recommend approval. The committee voted 16/0/1 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.

7.2. The Committee heard a request for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to add a beer/wine license at Mid-City Market, 5231 University Avenue. The applicant and the contractor offered the presentation. After discussion Connelly moved, Mendez seconded to recommend denial of a CUP for a beer/wine license at the premises. The Committee voted 11/2/4 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.

7.3. Ellee Igoe, a representative of The International Rescue Committee offered information about a possible Community Garden near the intersection of 54th Street and Lea Street.

7.4. Vaccariello offered a presentation about changes to Council Policy 600-24 which governs the community planning system. The matter came to the Mid-month Sub-Committee April meeting, which recommended changes. After discussion, Varnadore moved, Connelly seconded to ratify the Subcommittee’s recommendations. The Committee voted 15/1/1 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.

7.5. The Chair called for volunteers to be appointed to the vacant School/Non-profit 08 seat. Kasra Movahedi volunteered and offered a brief biographical presentation. There were no other volunteers. After discussion, the Committee voted 17/0/0 to appoint Movahedi to the vacant seat.

7.6. The Officer Election Sub-Committee reported the results of its canvas of the Committee for volunteers for the officer positions. The Sub-Committee reported that there was one volunteer for each position. After a call for other volunteers and after discussion, the Committee voted 17/1/0 (chair not voting) to appoint Jim Varnadore as Chair; 17/1/0 (chair not voting) to appoint Patty Vaccariello as First vice-Chair; 17/1/0 (chair not voting) to appoint Russ Connelly as Second vice-Chair; 18/0/0 (chair not voting) to appoint Liz Avalon as Secretary; and 18/0/0 (chair not voting) to appoint Mark Kassab as Treasurer.

7.7. The Chair called for volunteers to represent the Committee on the City Heights Project Area Committee. Lewis-Beevers and Vaccariello volunteered. After discussion, the Committee gave 13 votes to Vaccariello and 2 votes to Lewis-Beevers. There were two abstentions and the Chair did not vote. The Chair called for volunteers to represent the Committee on the CrossRoads Project Area Committee. Movahedi volunteered. After discussion, the Committee voted 17/0/1 (chair not voting) to appoint Movahedi. The Chair called for volunteers to represent the Committee on the Clean Syringe Exchange Program Committee. Nelson volunteered. After discussion, the Committee voted 17/0/1 (chair not voting) to appoint Nelson.

June 2007

City Heights Area Planning Committee MINUTES June 4, 2007

1. Call to order at 6:40pm. Liz Avalon, Sam Charry, Russ Connelly, Valentina Hernandez, Mark Kassab, Cassandra Lewis Beavers, Mazda Mehraz, Jude Mendez, Kasra Movahedi, David Nelson, Mohamed Omar, Jessie Sergent, Patty Vaccariello, Abdullahi Yusuf and Jim Varnadore present. Joyce Brown, Jose Cervantes, Stefanie Harris, David Taylor and Ahmed Malinomar absent.

2. Public Comment regarding a recent conference on gang information was received from Kathy Evans-Calderwood.

3. Government Reports were received from Katrina Crawford about the city budget deliberations and the monthly Police Community Relations meeting, and from Todd Gloria about College-Rolando Day and the Representative Susan Davis’s amendment to make the extension of SR-241 through San Onofre State Park subject to state environmental laws.

4. Committee Member Announcements were received from Sergent about the lack of Community Relations Officers; from Nelson about police response times and the city’s needle exchange program; from Movahedi about the CrossRoads Project Area Committee and its future plans; from Mehraz about the International Village Celebration and the health of the commercial community on University Avenue; from Vaccariello about the June FaceLift; from Connelly about the International Village Celebration and Fairmount Park activities; from Hernandez about the Hamilton Elementary School health fair; and from the chair about the Blue Book.

5. Connelly offered minor changes to the notes of the April 2007 meeting. After discussion, Connelly moved, ?? seconded to accept the notes of the April meeting and approve the minutes of the May 2007 meeting. The Committee voted 14/0/1 (Chair not voting) and the motion passed.

6. After the chair’s announcement that the applicant for item 7.1 had asked to continue the item, Connelly moved, Sergent seconded to approve the amended Agenda. The committee voted 15/0/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.

7.2 The Committee discussed a proposal from the City to change the requirements in the RS-1 family of zones. The proposal was included with the City’s April 27, 2007 notice. After discussion, Connelly moved, Avalon seconded to recommend approval of all six proposed changes to the Land Development Code. The committee voted 6/8/1 (chair not voting) and the motion failed. After discussion, Nelson moved, Vaccariello seconded to recommend disapproval of issue 1 of the proposal and approval of issues 2-6 of the proposal. The committee voted 10/5/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.

7.3 The chairman reviewed committee operations and activities. Nelson recommended that appropriate city staff members be present when the committee considers a recommendation to the City.

7.4 The chairman briefly reviewed parliamentary procedure.

8. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50PM

July 2007

City Heights Area Planning Committee

MINUTES July 2, 2007

1. The meeting was called to order at 6:35PM. Liz Avalon, Jose Cervantes, Sam Charry, Russ Connelly, Stefanie Harris, Valentina Hernandez (8:20PM), Cassandra Lewis-Beavers, Mazda Mehraz, Jude Mendez, Kasra Movahedi, David Nelson, Mohamed Omar, Jessie Sergent, David Taylor, Patty Vaccariello, Abdullahi Yusuf, and Jim Varnadore present. Joyce Brown, Mark Kassab, and Ahmed Malinomar absent.

2. Public Comment was received from Mar?­a C?³rtez, Pat Calloway, Myrna Rodr?­guez, and David Bowen.

3. Government Reports were received from Pam Ison about water and sewer billing, the Performance Annex, and the homeless program; and from Melissa Devine about the Community Orientation Program and the availability of planning staff to attend Committee meetings.

4. Committee Member Announcements were received from Movahedi about the CrossRoads PAC annual meeting; from Vaccariello about the bylaws update; and from Connelly about the Fairmount Park neighborhood marker dedication.

5. There were no corrections to the minutes.

6. Vaccariello moved, Connelly seconded to approve the agenda. The Committee voted 16/0/0 and the motion passed.

7.1 The Committee heard a request from the neighbors in the vicinity of 41st Street and Thorn Street to install 4-way stop signs at that intersection. After discussion, Taylor moved, Cervantes seconded to recommend that the department review the matter en toto and consider installing four-way stops and striped pedestrian crossing. Connelly’s amendment to recommend obtaining traffic counts in the afternoon was accepted. The Committee voted 14/1/0 and the motion passed.

7.2 The Chairman briefed the Committee about the substance of the telecommunication application (PTN130931). After a discussion by the nearby neighbors, the owner of the adjacent business and his attorney, and the Committee, Avalon moved, Connelly seconded to request clari-fying information and a design that would put all auxiliary equipment boxes underground. Vaccariello’s amendment to the motion that the city charge market rates for the use of the public right-of-way was accepted. The Committee voted 6/9/0 and the motion failed. Movahedi moved, Charry seconded to recommend the installation be moved to a more appropriate site. Vaccariello’s amendment to choose the new location in collabo-ration with the neighbors and the Committee was accepted. The Committee voted 14/1/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.

7.3 The Committee heard a presentation by Mr. Neil Hill, the architect for the ??lvarez family, about adding space to their home. After discussion, Vaccariello moved, Sergent seconded to recommend approval. The Committee voted 15/0/0 and the motion passed. The architect heard and accepted the Committee suggestion to paint the address numbers on the building at the rear lot line.

7.4 Withdrawn by applicant.

7.5 The Committee heard a presentation by Ms. Pam Ison of the Third Council District staff about the status of §151.0253 et seq. of the Municipal Code regarding open space and play space in connection with new multi-family construction. After discussion, Avalon moved, Hernandez seconded that joint-use parks not be counted against the three-acre requirement of MC §151.0253(a)(1) and that this section of the Municipal Code be interpreted strictly to require "improved park acreage" rather than merely open areas. The Committee voted 15/0/0 and the motion passed.

7.6 The Committee heard a presentation about the environmental document for the project at 4310 Dawson Avenue (PTN27958) and a request for a letter from the Committee. After discussion which included a review of the entire project, its environmental implications, the availability of hydrology reports that might bear on the project, and similar matters, Connelly moved, Vaccariello seconded to recommend that: 1) the City Council require a proper environmental document for all future phases of this project; 2) in additional to any other con-sideration, the environmental document for any future phase examine and assess traffic impacts for at least half a mile in all directions, park and open space availability in the local area, and storm water runoff including any possible contamination of storm water with sewage; and 3) provide mitigation proposals that will actually be effective. The Committee voted 15/0/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.

After further discussion Vaccariello moved, Nelson seconded to recommend that the City Council establish a Capital Improvement Pro-ject (CIP) account to develop the Oak Creek Drainage Area consistent with the Chollas Creek Enhancement Plan and provide funding to complete the project. Such a CIP account will assist in meeting the storm water mitigations expected to be required by a proper environ-mental document for the Dawson Street project. The Committee voted 15/0/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.

8. The meeting was adjourned at 9:06PM.

Posted by fmpark on 08/13/2007
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