City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes Nov. 2011 - Jan. 2012

City Heights Area Planning Committee draft minutes of November 7, 2011 meeting.  Present: Sam Charry, Russ Connelly, Saynab Dahir, Kenton Finkbeiner, Ahmed Malinomar, Mazda Mehraz, Amanda Moss, David Nelson, Jessse Sergent, Hong Tran, Mark Tran, Patty Vaccariello, Robert Lief, Katherine Eaton & Jim Varnadore.  Absent: Jenny Flanagan, Mark Kassab, Samantha Ollinger, Alex Garcia and Abdullah Yusef.


  1. Call to order at 6:30pm - Introductions

  2. Adoption of Agenda: Robert 1st, Unknown 2nd.  Approved 11-1 with Amanda against and Chair not voting.

  3. Off Agenda Public Comment -
    a. Sadie Sponsler - San Diego Hunger Coalition about Urban Agriculture changes to City Code. Spoke on food security through local production and the San Diego Hunger Coalition.  Send comments to Dan Joyce - City Senior Planner.
    b. Pahl Chourp and Joel San Juan - Cambodian community about School board community funding. Pacific American Academy - Incorporating a clinic in charter school at 54th and Trojan.
    c. Guy Mock - Commented on DA/Police meeting about AB109 on 30th of Nov 6pm at Cherokee Point Elementary school.
    d. Eric Bowlby - San Diego Canyon Lands Parcel updates: open space above K9/SWAT police Facility on Federal Blvd will be added. Fox Canyon has no city property and none to dedicate.
    e. Maria Gheler - Urban agriculture supporter.  Asks to include subject on next agenda.

  4.  Staff Comment
    a. Bruce Williams – CD4 Anthony Young: Nov 14 City Hall - Regular meeting for city regulations corrections
    b. Courtney Thomson – CD3 Todd Gloria
    c. Mario Reyes – Utility Undergrounding Program for city section 7A (Fox Canyon/Islenair). Jan 19 meeting at Teen Center: 2 hour community forum
    d. Deanneka Goodwin - Susan Davis' office. 2012 Federal spending bill. Obama jobs bill. Short Sale Transparency Act. Equal Justice for Military Act.

  5. Committee Member Comment
    a. Jim - Loss of SDPD Mid City Capt. Lawrence McKinney to Assistant Chief Position.  Rice Drive.
    b. Patty - $250K Urban Greening Grant. Two corridors, street tree master plan, stake holders from community, all starting Spring/Summer of 2012. Facelift - Gabe del Rio (Mortgage Flipping Contact)
    c. Amanda - Facelift in October: 634 volunteers, 12 homes.
    d. Mark T. - American Public Health Association went to Washington DC. Youth engagement leadership model.  Film screening of "A Village called Versailles" at Hoover HS. Youth - Skate Park.
    e. Ahmed - Eid Celebration to be held Nov 12 at Colina Park 9-5pm
    f. Saynab - Environmental Health Coalition training in February
    g. Katherine - IRC gardening class. Supports urban agriculture.


  1. Corrections to draft minutes of October 3 2011- Jim 1st, Robert 2nd; Minutes accepted 13-0-2 Katherine Eaton & Hong Tran abstain with Chair not voting.


  1. Business Agenda
    7.1 - Verizon Federal Blvd - Shelley Kilbourne, Bill Booth (architect)
    a. Ahmed motion: approve Option 3 "pine" Mark Tran 2nd. Jim friendly amendment to add option 5 as alternative. – Vote is 6-8 with Chair not voting; failed to pass.  Alternative motion by Patty, David 2nd for Option 3 with Option 1 as alternative; Passes 12-2 with Chair not voting.

    7.2 - City Heights/North Park Art Gateway presentation: Steve Russell, Steve Cadrero, Luke English.
    a. SDGE $2500 grant for improvement to block wall and utility box at Wabash & University.
    b. Motion to approve concept of public art project: Ahmed 1st, Katherine 2nd, Passes 13-0-1 Kenton abstained, chair did not vote.

    7.3 Urban Greening Project/Letter of support: San Diego Canyon Lands to apply for $350k State grant for canyon trail connections & Canyon Corridor - Patty motioned to support application for urban greening grant with letter provided by SCDL as drafted. Ahmed 2nd, Passes 12-2 with Chair not voting.

7.4 - Police Pistol Range: Amendment to the Site Development Permit and improvements to range.

Presentations: George Frieha, City of SD:  1. Health and Safety 2. Design 3. Environmental & Permitting.  Patrick Banning – Architect.  Mark Kess - Environmental Consultant, property easement at rapid fire range into hill (Navy Acquisition of property needed)

Committee questions: Noise, ambient, MND found no change – will have additional amount of reverb noise.         K-9 swat permanent improvements and other improvements in SDP 8318 are being pushed aside indefinitely in this amendment.


Russ moved, Patty 2nd: "To support in concept improvements for health and safety reasons, but not until 1) after original terms of site development permit 8318 have been completed 2) review of the MND sound mitigation (permanent and temporary) sound measurement has been done, and 3) historic resources board has had time to review the shade structure modifications (with a report back to the CHAPC)."  Motioned approved 14-0 with Chair not voting. 

7.5 - Resignation of Mark Kassab: David motion to approve, Mark 2nd, approved 12-2 with Chair not voting.  Mazda opposed, Sam opposed.  Seat “At Large/12” now open.

7.6 - Declaration of vacancy – D1/13 Seat per Bylaws due to missing 4 meetings in 12 months.  Amanda spoke regarding her absences and continued involvement.  No motion made, no motion carried.  Amanda remains on the board.

7.7. Elections Subcommittee:  Mark Tran, Jim Varnadore (Consultant) & Saynab Dahir volunteered for 2012 Subcommittee.  Chair requests additional Committee members serve on Subcommittee and will follow up before next meeting with those eligible to serve.  Chair will appoint additional Subcommittee members at next meeting if no others step forward.

8.  Adjournment at 9:19 PM.




Draft - Minutes of December 5, 2011

3910 University Avenue, City Heights CA 92105


1.  The meeting was called to order at 6:30PM.  Sam Charry, Russ Connelly, Katherine Eaton, Jenny Flanagan, Robert Leif, Ahmed Malinomar, Mazda Mehraz, Amanda Moss, David Nelson, Samantha Ollinger, Jessie Sergent, Hong Tran, Mark Tran, Patty Vaccariello, Abdullahi Yusuf, and Jim Varnadore formed a quorum. Absent were: Saynab Dahir, Kenton Finkbeiner and Alex Garcia.


2.  Ahmed offered and Robert seconded a motion to adopt the agenda.  The Committee voted 15/0/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.


3.  The Committee heard reports from members of the public.  No actions were taken.  No referrals were made to other agencies.


4.  Cynthia Harris Distributed the CD-7 newsletter.  Courtney Thomson Distributed the CD-3 newsletter.  Both made short announcements and answered questions.


5.  Jessie noted that the Hmong New Year celebration is planned for Dec 17-19 in Kearny Mesa Park.  Patty discussed the need for a code enforcement sub-committee and asked that it be put on a future agenda.  Russ reported that the election sub-committee for the March 2012 election was formed.


6.  Minor corrections to the minutes of November 7 were offered, and the minutes were adopted by a vote of 15/0/0 (chair not voting). 


7.1 Representatives from the YMCA reviewed the plans for the new Copley-Price YMCA to be located at 43rd/El Cajon Boulevard.  The committee and the audience offered suggestions for consideration by the YMCA board.


7.2 The Committee heard an introductory presentation about a community health clinic planned for the Pacific American Academy on 54th Street near Trojan.  After brief discussion, the Chair continued the item until after the first assessment letter and cycle issues report is received.


7.3 After stepping down temporarily from the Committee, Russ discussed installing road humps on Rowan Street near the Rowan Elementary School.  After discussion, Ahmed moved, Mazda seconded a motion to recommend approval of road humps on Rowan Street at locations determined best by the City’s Streets Division.  The Committee voted 9/5/1 (chair not seated) and the motion passed.


7.4 The Committee heard an application for a new wireless communications permit at 4101 University Avenue that will continue wireless communications at that location.  After discussion, Ahmed moved, Jessie seconded a motion to recommend approval of the permit with a strong recommendation to paint the exterior and to add “bird spikes” to keep the area clean.  The Committee voted 13/2/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.


7.5 The Committee heard a progress report about the planned construction of a new Fire Station-17 and discussed the details.  After discussion, Patty moved, Ahmed seconded a motion to recommend approval in concept.  The Committee voted 14/1/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.




7.6 The Committee heard a presentation about the City’s proposed Urban Agriculture changes to the Land Development Code and discussed the matter at length.  After discussion Katherine moved, Mark seconded a motion to recommend approval of changes that allow: 1) farms smaller than 4-acres to grow and sell produce on site; 2) farm stands on commercially zoned parcels with permission of the parcel owner; 3) farmers markets on commercially zoned parcels with permission of the parcel owner; 4) 5-chickens, all female, on parcels that observe normal side setbacks; 5) two mini-goats on a parcel; and 6) two beehives placed no closer than 30' from an occupied building.  After further discussion Robert moved and Jim seconded an amendment to increase the side setback for chickens to 15', to remove item 6) from the main motion, and ask the City to study the presence of bees in inhabited areas, including study by an immnologist.  The Committee voted 9/6/0 (chair not voting) and the amendment was adopted into the main motion.  The Committee then voted 10/5/0 (chair not voting) and the amended motion was passed.


7.7 The chair noted the vacant At Large-12 seat and invited volunteers to be appointed.  None responded.


7.8 The chair noted that incumbent in the District 4-13 Seat had not attended for three consecutive meetings and entertained a motion to declare the seat vacant.  Patty moved and David seconded a motion to declare the District 4-13 seat vacant by reason of absences.  The Committee voted 15/0/0 and the motion passed.


8.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:03PM to reconvene January 2, 2012 at the time and place shown above.



City Heights Area Planning Committee draft minutes of January 2, 2012 meeting.  Present: Russ Connelly, Saynab Dahir, Kenton Finkbeiner, Jenny Flanagan, Amanda Moss, David Nelson, Jesse Sergent, Patty Vaccariello, Robert Leif, Jim Varnadore & Abdullahi Yusef.  Absent: Sam Charry, Katherine Eaton, Ahmed Malinomar, Mazda Mehraz, Hong Tran, Mark Tran & Samantha Ollinger.

1. Call to order - 6:33PM

2. Adoption of agenda: Jim motion, Patty 2nd.  Item passes unanimously.

3. Off-agenda public comment: Guy Mock said Bill Tall will be happy to speak on bees to the Committee. Also, there is illegal building going on in Chollas Creek, Russ and City Staff have been notified and city is working on shutting him down.
4. Staff Comment: none.
5. Committee member comment:
      Jim, planning to win Iowa caucus. Jessie, food drive was success. Robert, urban agriculture revisions passed. Russ, pistol range decision by Planning Commission: decided to create a date uncertain for K9 portion to be completed. Historical designation, has not determined whether or not the city has violated the rules of historical preservation. No concern of previous conditions to the permit. Our committee will be making an appeal to the City Council (process 4) based on the decision of the planning committee on the topic of historical designation violation. Jim read the determination to be filed with the City to the Committee.

6. Corrections to minutes.
     David asked for clarification on 7.6: the 15 chickens even though not mentioned in our suggested text to the city.

7.1 Chihuahua Plumbing cell phone tower. Mark Phillips, presenter representing AT&T:
      5’x5’ penthouse on SW edge of building to prevent RF dead zone along Fairmount. Increasing size of existing ‘penthouse’ that holds antennas; adding equipment.
      Jim, Where is the power? It is from a room inside the building.
      Russ, Where is that power room? First floor, northeast corner.
      David, Are you within height limits? Yes, under 35 ft.
      Robert, Will this have back up on it when power goes out? Yes, already has battery backup, will add port for portable generator if needed.
      Guy commented on battery backup.
      Patty, Can we make add Swan Canyon neighborhood identification? It's up to the landlord, and will be suggested. AT&T is up for it though.
       Motion: David, approval for modification of existing facility, Robert second.  
      Patty adds amendment to request addition of neighborhood signage; accepted. Vote 9-0 with Chair not voting.

7.2 Morin Residence is tabled to February meeting.

7.3 Elections Subcommittee report:
      Saynab is Chair. This committee will be spreading the word on election. Lack of       Information and outreach is the reason for low turnout in the past. Patty suggests caution; potential candidates must attend February's meeting. Do you have copies of the applications? Saynab will email them out. David, Elections have always had problems in outreach to Colina Del Sol. Saynab working with community for outreach.

7.4 D4-13 seat open. Request for nominations: None offered; seat not filled.

7.5 At large-12 seat. Patty nominates Guy Mock. Jessie seconds. Paper ballot: 11 yes, 0 no. Guy Mock seated.

8.  Adjournment at 7:11PM.

Posted by fmpark on 12/27/2011
Last updated on 02/15/2012
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