City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes August 2015 - October 2015


Minutes of the meeting of October 5, 2015

3910 University Ave, San Diego, CA 92105


1. The meeting was called to order at 6:31PM.  Kelvin Barrios, Russ Connelly, Erick Diaz, Kenton Finkbeiner, Georgette Gomez, Mark Kassab, Bob Leif, Tuan Luu, Mazda Mehraz, Marc Munic, David Nelson, Jessie Sergent, Samuel Supranovich, Abdullahi Yusuf, and Patty Vaccariello were present.  Krista Berry, Josefina Garcia, Sally Lemmie, Ahmed Malinomar, Mark Tran, and Kiley Wallace were absent.


2. Russ offered, Robert seconded a motion to adopt the agenda.  The Committee voted 12/0/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.


3. The minutes of September 2, 2015 were continued.


4. David Bowen announced meetings in the community.  Maria Cortez announced an inaugural meeting of the Teralta West Neighborhood Assoc.  Sue Reynolds and Gabe del Rio from Community HousingWorks announced an organizational change to the corporation’s lending program.  Ricardo Flores, a candidate for election, made brief remarks.


5. Rudy Vargas and Julio Rivera distributed the District-9 Newsletter and offered announcements about coming events.  They also announced a new City initiative to improve the habitability of rental properties, especially in low- and moderate-income areas.


6. Tuan announced a District-9 candidate forum.  David Nelson reported that the State had enacted a new redevelopment program.  Russ reported on the most recent Community Planners Committee meeting which reviewed proposals to curb short-term rentals of single family homes. Georgette noted that AB-504 which adds controls to Civic San Diego awaited the governor’s signature.  Patty reported some damage to the Sally Wong building and the City’s immediate response.


7.1  Sima Chakkar and Joe Whitaker offered a presentation about a new City initiative to target CDBG funds into communities with large low- and-moderate income populations.  Communities with average family incomes at 80% of the Area Median Income will receive most favorable consideration for their CDBG projects.  There was discussion between the committee and the presenters.


7.2  Brian Longmore, the applicant for a new housing project in the Fairmount Park area presented his project and requested a favorable vote from the Committee.  The Committee asked questions and offered suggestions.  After discussion Russ offered, Marc seconded a motion to recommend approval with the conditions that the applicant add new red curbs at locations suggested, that the overall color palette be expanded so the units do not all look alike, that the fence and landscaping at the point where the property abuts Parrot Street be made more secure to prevent intrusion onto the project, and that the project consider installing solar energy.  The Committee voted 14/0/0 (Chair not voting) and the motion passed.


7.3  City Staff described and discussed sewer-water group job 1014 to continue the City’s upgrades of its piping systems.  Ground should break May, 2016 and the project complete August 2017.  There was a discussion of “Green Infrastructure” which captures and treats storm water on or near the site, before it moves on into Chollas Creek.


7.4  City staff member Brent Eidson offered a presentation about a proposed increase in water rates.  The Committee discussed the matter and asked questions of Mr. Eidson. 


7.5  Tia Angelotti and Avina Veen offered an update on a united way proposal to create a mural in the vicinity of the Mid City Recreation Center.  They brought a sample of the expected design.  United Way reversed its original propose to alter the character of the Officer Jeremy Henwood Memorial Park and proposes the mural to be on the West walls of the tennis courts at the recreation center.


8. The meeting was adjourned 8:33PM to reconvene on November 2, 2015 at the time and place noted above.


City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes of the meeting from September 2, 2015

3910 University Ave, San Diego, CA 92105

  1. The meeting was called to order at 6:35PM. Kenton Finkbeiner, Kiley Wallace, Erick Diaz, Krista Berry Ortega, Robert Leif, David Nelson, Sally Lemie, Tuan Luu, and Ahmed Malinomar were present. Mark Tran presided over the meeting in both Marc Munic and Patty Vaccariello’s absence.
  2. Adoption of the agenda at 6:36pm.
  3. Minutes for July 6, 2015 were corrected and adopted. Robert 1st. Kiley 2nd. Unanimous
  4. Minutes for August 3, 2015 were corrected and adopted. Krista 1st. Robert 2nd. Unanimous
  5. Off agenda public comment. Jim Varnador mentioned the public sign up sheet to be
    recognized so that the public may qualify in running for a CHAPC office in the future. Dawn Cavalli handed out census tract information for the La Salsa corner market at Landis and Euclid. La Salsa is applying for beer and wine permits. Robert spoke on alternative energy.
  6. Michael Prinz of the planning department introduced Elizabeth Ocampo as the Community
    Planner for the City Heights area.
  7. Tuan commented on a community bike ride. Sally commented on shots fired in her neighborhood near El Cajon Blvd and 54th St. She also mentioned many pedestrians are getting hit by cars and busses, and that the World Market in her neighborhood’s property is becoming ignored and problems are arising in violence and property neglect. Kiley mentioned the
    lighting has now been installed on the Silverado Ballroom. Kenton mentioned the death of his mother and thanked the CHAPC for the kind letter. Kenton also mentioned that the arch project is moving forward on a sign selection, and that there will be a meeting at the library on Sept 30 about the topic. Mark Tran mentioned that Mid City Can is hiring.
  8. Business agenda

8.1.   La Salsa Market at 3702 Euclid Ave is applying for an ABC license. Officer Stinson took comment from the public and from the board. Officer Stinson described off-sale vs. on-sale alcohol
purchases. Krista Berry-Ortega disagreed with the idea of furthering liquor or alcohol permits in the nieghborhood due to the abundance of permits already. Ahmed spoke, and said that he, “doesn’t usually support” alcohol permits, but in this case he believes the owners of La Salsa to be deserving. The owner of the market spoke and said that customers are pushing him to get this permit, and that he’s willing to work under any perscribed conditions. Jim mentioned a ‘Statement of Public Convenience and Necessity.’ Mark Tran said that there are grocery needs and that he doesn’t see this permit as an issue.

8.2.   Katie Scanlan from SDGE spoke on rate hikes. Of the population, 900k will be in Tier 1 and 2, 300k will be in tier 3 and 4. Discounts will be given to those who apply 35-41% off. There will always and will continue to be a minimum bill charge. There will be a “super user” charge for those who have an average usage 400% higher than the county average. Robert commented on solar. Tuan Luu helped make sense of the tiers and stated that the averge rate increase was 7-8 dollars over 5 years.

8.3.   John Hartley spoke on “Clean Elections” and a future ballot measure. Costing the tax payers $4 a year to fund.

8.4.   Presentation by Adina Veen and  Tia Angelotti from United Way on the ongoing mural project for Jeremy Henwood Memorial Park. The board continued to disagree with the idea of a mural being placed in the public eye below the stage and along the stage-right curved wall within the park. The
board recommended that United Way meet with the community at the Sept 30 Arts meeting to decide on a better location. A motion to relocate the mural to another location adjacent to the
park was carried. Ahmed 1st. David Nelson 2nd. The CHAPC “supports the mural but not at this location.” 5 Yes, 3 No, 1 abstain.

8.5.   Approval of the CHAPC bilaws. Discussion by Tuan Luu about the Article 8 community
participation section came into question. Robert voiced that the language should be outside of the bylaws and utilized via volunteers. Krista said that bylaws don’t need to change. “Make policy in and amongst ourselves.” At this time it was recognized that a quorum was not reached due to board members stepping out of the meeting. No action was taken.

8.6.   Vote to vacate seats Non-Profit ’16 and Dist-1 ’16 was tabled to next month.

          9.  Adjournment.

The Committee will reconvene on October 5th, 2015 at the same time and location.



Minutes of the meeting of August 3, 2015

3910 University Ave,
San Diego,CA 92105


1. The meeting was called to order at 6:33PM.  Kelvin Barrios, Krista Berry, Russ Connelly, Erick
Diaz, Georgette Gomez, Mark Kassab, Bob Leif, Tuan Luu, Mazda Mehraz, Marc Munic, David Nelson, Jessie Sergent, Samuel Supranovich, Kiley Wallace, and Abdullahi Yusuf were present.  Kenton Finkbeiner, Josefina Garcia, Sally Lemmie, Ahmed Malinomar, Mark Tran, and
Chairwoman Patty Vaccariello were absent.  Marc Munic accepted the gavel and in the absence of the Secretary, appointed a special assistant to the Chair who kept the minutes.


2. The Chair asked to reverse items 7.2 and 7.3, and to add Item 7.1 about Sewer-Water Group Job 743. Russ offered, Robert seconded a motion to adopt the amended agenda.  The Committee voted 10/0/0 (Chair not voting) and the motion passed.


3. The minutes of July 6, 2015 were not available.


4. Ricardo Flores introduced himself and announced that he is a candidate for the City Council, District-9.


5. Rudy Vargas distributed the district Newsletter.  Council member Emerald introduced herself.


6. Tuan announced the City Heights Bike Ride.  Jessie noted the Ceremony for Officer Jeremy
Henwood on August 7.  David remarked that he would prefer the City to include planning groups in any decisions to dispose of City real property.  Russ reported on the progress of City  Heights on Patrol and reminded everyone of National Night Out. Marc announced that the Mid-Month meeting would review the Bylaws.


7.1 Council member Emerald offered a presentation about a proposed bond measure that would build new fire stations.  Assistant Chief Ken Barnes and the Council member answered questions.  After discussion, Russ offered, Jessie seconded a motion to support the CityGate report and to support in concept only the bond funding mechanism for new fire stations and equipment.  The Committee voted 14/0/0 (Chair not voting) and the motion passed.


7.3 City employees Julio Fuentes and Philip Rust reported on the City’s plan to re-stripe Fairmount
  Avenue from Redwood Avenue South to Home Avenue.  The Committee asked several questions about the project which were answered.  After discussion, Georgette offered, Krista seconded a motion to recommend approval of the project with additional lighting, traffic signals, and signage to make the new striping safer for all users. The Committee voted 8/6/0 (Chair not voting) and the motion passed.


7.2 There was no presentation.


7.4 Officer Stinson did not appear to solicit participation in the City’s statement of Public Convenience or Necessity (PCorN).  Mr. Ziad Zarra, the applicant for a new ABC license made a brief presentation.  After discussion, the Russ offered, Georgette seconded a motion to continue the
matter for one month.  The Committee voted 14/0/0 and the motion passed.


7.5 Mr. Stephen Russell offered a presentation about a new project to be built at the Northwest corner of Euclid Avenue and El Cajon Boulevard.  It envisions 60 units of housing for very
low-income seniors and some improvements to the commercial activities at that location.  All the residential units are expected to qualify for Section-8 vouchers, and the project will be managed in
cooperation with St.Paul’s Church.


7.6 City employee Paula Roberts reported on Sewer-Water Group Job 743.  The project only re-lines
the piping.  No excavation is involved.


8. The meeting was adjourned 8:50PM to reconvene on September 2, 2015 at the time and place noted above.

Posted by fmpark on 08/24/2015
Last updated on 12/03/2015
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