PresidentKoffler submitted a neighborhood registration form to the City of Fargo. CBNA is now listed on the city's web site.
President Koffler updated the bylaws for review at this meeting
President Koffler assisted the Hawthorne Neighborhood Association with their historic overlay site survey work. She indicated it is a lot of work and work best done in the summer if the CBNA wants to consider doing it.
President Koffler indicated she received Clara Barton Walkabout brochures from the FM Heritage Society.
President Koffler indicated that Xcel Energy is once again offering mini-grants to neighborhood organizations.
Vice President Taralson indicated she has established a CBNA website at
Treasurer Mathern submitted his report by email. A checking account has been opened at Gate City Bank and has a present balance of $230. $180 is from 18 membership applications and $50 was a donation from Erin and Monte Koffler.
Secretary Hartson was unable to attend this meeting.
The need (or rather, the lack of need) to subdivide the neighborhood into districts was discussed. There was consensus that this is not necessary at this time. The by-laws of CBNA were amended in two locations. The by-laws were approved as amended. [Details of discussion is available from Board Members]
The following ideas were suggested for the Xcel mini-grant:
*Have someone from the Forestry Dept. provide a tour of the Xeriscape Garden
*Work with the Boys Scouts on a project in the Xeriscape Garden
*Presentation on the Hawthorne Neighborhood historic overlay district
Presentation on drugs and what to watch for in our neighborhood
Participate in the Clara Barton School Carnival fundraiser in March.