The meeting was held in Island Park during the Fargo Police Department Community Picnic. There were 15 members in attendance. President Koffler presented a petition for more police officers in the neighborhood and it was circulated for signatures. Vice President Nancy Taralson was unable to attend the meeting - no report. Treasurer Tim Mathern reported a balance on account of $270.32. Motion by John Stern, second by Harlan Ormbreck to reimburse Koffler $24.43 for materials needed for the meeting. Motion passed. Secretary David Hartson stated membership now stands at 20 families.
Government - Joe Antonoplos explained the purpose of the committee. A suggestion was made by Mathern to follow City Coommission business. This suggestion will be taken under advisement. The 2006 city budget includes funding for more officers.
Publicity - Needs volunteers to help get the word out about the CBNA existence.
Historic Preservation - The survey was explained which was conducted for new historic overlay districts. There will be a meeting on 7-18-05 at 5:00 p.m.
Parks - Need members on committee. Items to be addressed include Lindenwood Park and Xeriscape Park in CBNA area.
Safety Committee - Lt. Gene Anderson of Fargo PD spoke and offered to make a presentation at CBNA's next meeting.
Lt. Anderson offered to attend the block party for National Night Out. Koffler asked for leadership for that event.
New CBNA dues will become due in January.
Koffler explained the visionary process carried out by city planners in the Jefferson and Carl Ben Eielson neighborhoods and asked for input on having this process carried out for CBNA. She will put information in the next newsletter. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.