JANUARY 14, 1999
(recorded by Kathy Hofstra, Secretary)
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Annie Berger, Vice President.
1. Present: Annie Berger, Ron Huser, Charlotte Bagwell, LuAnne Padjett, Jeanne Schrader, Skip Yetter, Kathy Hofstra, and Sherri Hayes.
2. Minutes of the meeting on December 10, 1999 were corrected and approved.
3. President?’s Report by Annie Berger, Vice President
A. Letter from the Postal Service was received stating the new semiannual fees for Post Office Boxes.
B. Announcement of the Jefferson County Fire Forum for January 23, 1999 was received.
C. Information on a Neighborhood Reinvestment Training Institute to be held in Philadelphia was received.
D. Jefferson County Planning Commission Agenda was received.
4. Treasurer?’s Report by Ron Huser, Treasurer
5. Committee Reports
A. Architectural Control Committee (ACC). A letter was sent to a homeowner requesting their bushes be trimmed because they obstructed views of oncoming traffic at an intersection.
B. Parks Committee Report by Annie Berger, Chairperson. The comments from the annual neighborhood survey were given to Foothills. Annie Berger stated that the HoA needed decide what they would like to have done with the matching funds program this year. The maximum amount is $7,500. The top requests were: finish the boarder around the playground in W. Laurel Ave. Park; increase the basketball court in Wayside Meadows to a full court; replace the asphalt path from the playground in W. Laurel Ave. Park to David Dr. with concrete; fix the second bridge west of Wadsworth which keeps flooding; and replace the composite benches and tables in Wayside Meadows with no-maintenance powder coated mesh steel. A vote was taken and the three top choices in order of preference were to fix the bridge, replace Laurel path with concrete, and replace benches with maintenance free materials. The list will be submitted to Foothills. It was suggested and agreed to that the roof at the eastern end of the walkway to Pierce will be removed and replaced to match the rest of the walkway.
It was brought up that many homeowners in Chatfield Estates (southern end of the neighborhood) feel there has not been a lot done to their area. The area along the perimeters of Chatfield Estates is not owned by Foothills and therefore does not qualify for the matching funds program. The HoA has been holding in its saving account approximately $7,000 for an entrance sign at Upham and Chatfield. The board has held off on doing anything until they know the outcome of the King Soopers development and the possible closure of Upham St. Any suggestions from homeowners as to what they would like to see done are welcome by any board member, we would like your input!
A letter will be sent from the HoA asking the Church on S. Pierce to please move their shed to a less obvious spot.
C. Membership/Blockworkers Report by Charlotte Bagwell, Chairperson. There were complaints from three areas about late newsletters. Blockworkers will be notified.
An updated addendum to the directory will add all the new homeowners?’ names and phone numbers.
A reminder letter will be mailed to all homeowners who have not paid their dues in mid February.
D. COHOPE Report by Jeanne Schrader, Chairperson. There was no meeting.
6. Old Business
A. Kaiser Meeting. A final proposal was submitted to Jefferson County. King Soopers hopes to break ground in April. The HoA Board met with developers to give the neighborhood?’s opinions and concerns. There will be a dirt berm along the west side of Upham and a small fence on top. The store fence along the north side by the houses will be 60 feet out from the existing fencing. The status of the petition for the closure of Upham was discussed and will be looked into.
B. Holiday Lighting Contest. There was discussion that maybe the holiday lighting winners be limited to only dues paying members.
C. Easter Egg Hunt. This event still needs a chairperson or there may not be an Easter Egg Hunt this year. The event would take place April 2, 1999.
7. Meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.