March 11, 1999
(Recorded by Kathy Hofstra, Secretary)
Costa Dunias, President, called meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
1. Present: Costa Dunias, Ron Huser, Annie Berger, Rick Wihera, Skip Yetter, LuAnne Padgett, Monty Hesse, Charlotte Bagwell, and Kathy Hofstra.
2. The minutes of February 10, 1999 were corrected to read that Foothills did not state that we could not use matching funds for fixing problems with the bridge in Wayside Meadows, but generously agreed to pay for the repairs instead of the HoA having to apply for matching funds to fix the bridge. It was not necessary that matching funds be used for W. Laurel Ave. Park, but that the park was the HoA board?’s second choice for matching funds projects after the bridge repair. Minutes were approved as corrected.
3. President?’s Report by Costa Dunias, President
A. Public Service Company sent information about carbon monoxide detectors, fire alarms, and in-home fire extinguishers.
B. Jefferson County Planning and Zoning agenda was received.
C. The Jefferson County Board of County Commissioners delayed their meeting with King Soopers developers. A new meeting is tentatively set for April 6, 1999 for final approval.
D. A Letter was sent to COHOPE supporting their opposition to the way the area of Kipling and Ken Caryl is being developed.
4. Treasurer?’s Report by Ron Huser, Treasurer
5. Committee Reports
A. Architectural Control Committee (ACC). Letters were mailed to several homeowners regarding requests made at the last committee meeting.
B. Parks Committee Report by Annie Berger, Chairperson. A letter was received stating a concern over wildlife in the open spaces of our neighborhood, especially the foxes and coyotes. This person felt the wildlife was killing small animals and was hazardous to children. Foothills was contacted and they stated that these animals are not dangerous and that this is their habitat. They suggested that parents teach their children how to respect wildlife. Foothills will not relocate all wildlife.
The replacement of the path in W. Laurel Ave. Park with concrete is a long-range plan and will have to be done in several stages due to cost. Foothills has requested that Urban Drainage improve drainage along Pierce, but has not heard back yet.
Clean Up Day is April 17, 1999 with a rain date of April 24. Everyone is to meet at Wayside Meadows playground at 9:30 a.m. The board can use any homeowners?’ help!
The board will look into having another Dumpster Day.
C. Membership/Blockworkers Report by Charlotte Bagwell, Chairperson. The board sent out 105 letters concerning delinquent dues and delivered another 58 letters. We have received responses and payment from 55 homeowners already. An addition to the HoA neighborhood directory with new homeowners?’ names and numbers will be delivered with the April Scroll.
D. Traffic Report by Rick Wihera, Chairperson. Jefferson County stated that there are no plans at this time for any traffic lights to be installed at either Clifton and Pierce or Elmhurst and Pierce. They have done traffic counts and there is not enough traffic to warrant them. Kevin French, a traffic planner with Jefferson County, stated he strongly opposes the closing of Upham St. and would like to see the other Upham St. closure opened up. He stated that the other closure was not recorded properly and the fact that the homeowners at the closure have not fenced the area and have not been paying taxes on the land meant that it could possibly be reopened. The board was totally unaware of this information and will be looking into this development.
There are still complaints about the parking along Clifton and Pierce on Sundays. The church and the county have been contacted to see what can be done.
E. COHOPE Report. Lt. Potter clarified the go-ped issue. They are illegal, and the District Attorneys office treats them as toys. The Sheriff?’s Dept. will send a deputy to speak to the parents and child if they get complaints on go-peds.
The Ute Meadows rezoning hearing is March 17, 1999. Final submittal for commercial rezoning at the NW corner of Kipling and Ken Caryl takes place and Jeanne Schrader plans to attend.
Motion was made and passed that the HoA renew the COHOPE membership at $25.
6. Old Business
A. Kaiser Permanente Report. Jefferson County Board of Commissioners will probably have a meeting on April 6, 1999 for final approval of the development
B. Columbine South Commons Senior Care Development. No new report. Costa will contact the developers to see where they are at for construction.
C. Upham St. Petition. John Bradley has submitted the petition to the county.
D. Easter Egg Hunt. April 3, 1999 in W. Laurel Ave. Park. The committee is now working on getting donations of candy, toys, and coupons for the hunt. Kathy Hofstra of ReMax Professionals Realtors is graciously funding this year?’s hunt as she has in the past. No HoA dues go to the hunt. Please call Bonnie Farley at 303-972-3587 to volunteer for face painting, putting candy out for the hunts, or donating items for the hunts.
E. Monthly HoA Meeting Place. Other options for a meeting place were discussed.
F. Neighborhood Links Enhancements. Costa is now printing the minutes and other notices on this free Internet program for homeowner associations.
7. New Business
A. E-mail on Sound Fence Along Chatfield. A neighbor asked about the possibility of a sound fence along Chatfield. This request must go through the county and there are requirements to be met before the county will consider doing something. The board will look into the possibility.
B. Ratify Name Change. It was noted that the name change voted on last year to make Columbine Knolls South/Estates our official name was never ratified. A motion was made and passed to ratify the name change.
8. Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.