Welcome to the first, second, third, or fourth (depending upon your perspective) best time of the year to live in Colorado and Columbine Knolls South/Estates. We are fortunate to be where we are and live among such wonderful neighbors. It is the time of year when we ask you to pay your dues for the association. Twenty five dollars is not much for what is returned. The flyer in last month?’s issue laid it out pretty well, but remember at least half your dues is used for matching funds projects with Foothills matching our dollars. This means you get a bigger bang for your buck than if we did it by ourselves and paid the full cost. Other worthwhile activities include special notices on important upcoming events when they hit in that dead period between SCROLL issues and you need to know quickly to react. Clean up day supplies, and maintenance items for the parts of the perimeter that would go untended for a longer period than we would like as well as meeting places for the board, would all be paid by dues. Several special activities are also funded, such as "music in the park". If you have questions about the budget, or how arrive at it, please contact any of us and we will be glad to help or get the information for you.
The new board is in place and we have officers for the new fiscal year. You have probably figured out who the new president is. The Vice President is Annie Berger, Secretary: Kathy Hofstra, and Treasurer: Ron Huser. Other slots already filled are COHOPE: Jeanne Schrader and Traffic: Rick Wihera. Jenene Cook has stepped forward to host the Holiday lighting contest. Please help her when she calls on you.
Over the last couple of months we wrestled with signs in our yards. I feel we have reached a fairly logical conclusion to that issue. We now have another issue which raises many of the same concerns except the consternation was caused by an insert in the newsletter. The insert promoted a particular view, of a legitimate group, regarding an issue in this month?’s elections. Our editor was taken to task for promoting the ballot issue and others of us were contacted. First, let it be known our editor has not let her voting desires be known on the issue. The Board has not taken a position on the issue and probably would not unless forced to by a groundswell of homeowner/member calls or letters. The SCROLL is our neighborhood newsletter and as such wilL NoT Likely have editorials supporting or opposing issues unless the board has reasonably been prompted to do so by a majority of members. That having been said, we do not normally restrict ad content which is reasonably presented factually verifiable. The ad causing the consternation was checked for legitimacy and reasonable accuracy. It was clearly an ad and not editorial content. Those who were upset certainly have the same right to run an ad, write letters to the editor, and generally espouse their own