Architectural Review Committee: Chairman, Rick Merrick 593 8573; Phyllis Moore
599 8328;
Charley Hupp 534 0369
Clubhouse & Bulletin Board : Barb & Tom Dinkel, Co-Chairmen 522 1717
Landscape: Fay Winkler, Chairman 265 8979
Maintenance: Dot Speredakos, Chairman 594 0794
Parliamentarian: Stan Sill
Publicity (Newsletter): Toni Hupp, Chairman and Editor 534-0369,
Rules : Todd Dass, Chairman 590-1599, Charley Hupp, Ex Officio.
Social and Recreational: Dot Speredakos, Chairman 594-0794
Welcoming: Denyce Widener, Chairman 592 1699
These people are all volunteers working to help better our community and our lives. An occasional ?“atta boy/girl?” would be a nice way of showing your appreciation for all the work they do on your behalf.