Country Grove Neighborhood

Nov 20, 2007

Nov 20, 2007

COUNTRY GROVE Neighborhood News

Our Taste of the Nation Block Party was a Success! Perfect Weather & Delicious Dishes made it a Great Evening to Get to Know Our Neighbors. Thanks to all for bringing the Wonderful Dishes! Special Thanks to our Set Up & Take Down team for their hard work getting the Equipment together & cleaned up so we could enjoy the party!
We had a Great Turn Out, representing 17 Homes. Hopefully Next Year we can do it again with most of our neighbors attending! See the Party Photos Below!

Sat. Dec. 1st (3pm) Victor Arias' Home #8218
Core Committee/Agenda Setting Meeting
Nominating Committee & Officer Candidates MUST ATTEND

Wed. Dec. 12th (7pm) Frangus Elementary
Official Election of Officers
Official Adoption of Community Bylaws

Thanks to those attending the Community Meeting I at Frangus Nov.14th!
Unfortunately, it was not what we expected, due to Orange County Red Tape,
this is a 4 month process, with 4 Community Meetings to Officially Set up the Organization necessary to get help with funds from the county. This meeting ending up being to go OVER the BYLAWS Again & allow for input & objections.
The NEXT Community Meeting II
December 12th will be to Officially Elect Officers & Adopt the Community Bylaws & Establishing Committee Objectives!

Anyone in OUR Neighborhood that would like to Email Their Business Card to, It will be posted on this NewsPage!

I believe that so far we have had some estimates to repair/replace our wall that range from $11,000-$13,000. If anyone has any contacts or design ideas that can come below that range, Please Contact Mike Houlihan #226 or Email! The County will only Contribute up to 65% for repairs from $5000-$10000. We will Have to come up with the Difference!

Nov. 14th Meeting Minutes
Committee Meeting I at Frangus Elementary
I. Call to Order (Interim President) Mike Houlihan
II. Introductions
1)Why we are Here, Who is the Core Committee, What we Hope to Gain?
2)Tonight's Agenda- Setting the COUNTRY GROVE NEIGHBORS BYLAWS
III. Guest Speaker: Orange County Services Staff (Wes Johnson)
-the Neighborhoods21 Organizing Process
IV. New Business
1)Reviewed Neighborhood Organization Bylaws to reach community Consensus.
2)Organization name to be Country Grove Neighbors.
Complete Bylaws ONLINE
V. AnnouncementsC
1)At the next meeting Dec.12th, we will be electing Officers:
Interim Officers are
President-Mike Houlihan #226
Vice Pres-Victor Arias #8218
Secretary-Becky Shelley #122
Treasurer-Cecilia Schiffer #220
Sgt at Arms-Glen Winston #8217
Anyone interested in running for an office, Please be at Dec.1st meeting.
2)Committee Objectives will also be established next meeting. Anyone with concerns about our neighborhood SHOULD attend this next meeting, to help us figure out how to improve our community. Please Invite Your Neighbors to Attend!
VI. Comments from Assembly! COME TO THE PARTY SAT.17th 5pm!
VII. Adjourn at 8:00 pm

Thanks to all for attending & input! This Process is Slow & Boring, But necessary to
to make Our COUNTRY GROVE a Safer & more Attractive Neighborhood!

WE are trying to establish a Voluntary Neighborhood Organization that is open to ALL residents, both renters and homeowners. This organization is necessary to receive funds from Orange County for the Repair & Improvement of OUR Country Grove Neighborhood wall & fence line. The county will pay 95% on a repair of $5000 or less or 65% from $6000-10000.

Our other important goal is to establish a Neighborhood Watch Program. Neighborhood Watch is one of the oldest and most effective crime prevention programs in the country, bringing citizens together with law enforcement to deter crime and make communities safer.

To lift up and help each other as neighbors with tolerance and compassion. To communicate with each other out of concern of the wellbeing of our neighbor and their family. To keep our community safe from crime and violence through communication and a watchful eye on people that are not commonplace in our neighborhood. To try to improve the cosmetics, which in turn the value of the neighborhood by offering help, not criticism, with a friendly hand not a judgemental eye. Lastly, doing these things with as much fun, and a sense of community as possible.

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