Crestwood Neighborhood Association
Neighborhood Meeting Notes
September 13, 2005
Officers: Stacy Prince, Pat Kinsey, Helen Goulden
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm
Approval of Minutes
No approval of previous minutes was done
Miscellaneous Business
There is no established Disaster or Evacuation plan for Crestwood
Neighborhood. In case of tornado the church at 23rd and Linn has made
their basement available, but there is no set plan for the building to
be unlocked. In case of tornado the best plan is to:
use your own basement (if you have one)
if neighbors have made their basement available
make sure
you have a key
as a last resort use the tunnel under 23rd
(between Ross and Linn)
Guest Speaker: Georgie Rasco - Neighborhood Alliance
Georgie Rasco of Neighborhood Alliance discussed the mission of
Neighborhood Alliance and Crestwood's Strategic Plan
Purpose of Neighborhood Alliance is:
- Organize Neighborhoods
- Assist with grant writing
- Advocate w/city for neighborhoods
(work w/over 340 neighborhoods)
- Work w/inner city neighborhoods*
(* In OKC "inner city" boundaries are NE/NW 36th, SE/SW 44th, Lincoln
and Portland)
How to develop a Strategic Plan: Neighborhood residents join together
to decide:
- where you are
- where you want to be
- how to get there
Every strategic plan is different
Benefits of a Strategic Plan
- energizes neighborhood
- plans road map
- brings everyone together to set neighborhood
Neighborhood Alliance only accepts two neighborhoods a year for
Strategic Planning.
Process for developing a Strategic Plan
Select Strategic Planning Committee
Divide neighborhood in to quadrants
Hold quadrant "get to know you meeting"
Hold three quadrant meetings which will follow
facilitating guide
Develop Strategic Plan
Present Strategic Plan to neighborhood
Adopt Plan
Goal date for choosing Strategic Plan Committee is 10/15/05
Make-up of SP Committee:
select some non-board members
make committee multi-generational
Responsibilities of SP Committee:
meets w/Georgie to determine tool for
decision making
set quadrants (see below)
select host/hostess
ensure that meetings take place
develop plan (based on input from
quadrant meetings)
present document to entire
adopt plan
Other topics covered by Georgie:
Free interest loans may be available for
renovating vacant houses
we should know by 10/07/05 if our grant has been
recommended for approval
"Neighborhood Beautification" expo at Will Rogers
09/29/05 at 5:30 pm
includes over 30 vendors and
refreshments served
Newsletter Workshop
ideas about layout and stories
info about mailing using bulk mail
RSVP to Georgia
Selection of New Board Members
Stacy Prince nominated Pat Bond
No other nominations
Pat Bond selected as new Crestwood Neighborhood
Association President
Vice President
Jonathan Hayes nominated Stacy Prince
No other nominations
Stacy Prince selected to serve another term
as CNA Vice- President
Helen Goulden volunteered
No other nominations or volunteers
Helen Goulden selected to serve another term
as CNA Secretary
Helen Goulden nominated Pat Kinsey
No other nominations
Pat Kinsey selected to serve another term
as CNA Treasurer
Other Board Members (anyone can volunteer)
Larry Smith, Susie Csaba, Melodie Garneau, Buzz Anderson, Jonathan
Hayes, Franklin Moore, Deidre Fudge, Stacy Prince, Helen Goulden, Tony
Webb, Pat Kinsey, Pat Bond.
Community Action Agency - Connie Crew
Connie Crew from the Community Action Agency offered some information
about Christmas referrals:
Christmas Assistance begins 10/03/05
Salvation Army usually provides for younger
children (under 13)
Christmas Connection provides for all children
families qualify
Families may "self refer" to Community Action
Agency to see
if they qualify
Meeting adjourned