The board appointed Karen Coleman, Elmer Borders and Bob Wesolowski to the snow removal committee. The committee gathered several bids and selected a contractor for snow removal this winter. After reviewing several bid proposals and interviewing references, the contract was awarded to JJJ L&D Inc. Elmer and Bob will share the responsibility of arranging to have snow plowed and ice melt spread when necessary.
This year, JJJ L&D Inc. will start plowing the streets when the snow gets to a depth of 2 inches. The snow will be plowed from the streets ?– curb to curb. Therefore, we ask that all vehicles be parked in their respective driveways when snow is predicted. Vehicles left on the roadway during snow removal shall be considered inoperable and no effort will be made to clear snow from around these vehicles. In the event that a roadway is declared impassable due to a stalled vehicle, the vehicle will be moved and/or towed by any means necessary and all fees will be assessed to the registered owner.
Each resident is responsible for clearing driveway entrance, sidewalks and mailbox approaches. Main points of concentration for ice melt applications are all 4-way stops and the both the 71st and 79th street entrances.
Please remember to join our volunteer neighborhood association and send your dues in today to ensure snow removal from your streets.