Approximately 16 neighborhood residents attended the December 1 meeting at the Jackson?’s.
Pershing Road residents expressed an interest in joining our association. It was decided that if everyone on that road wanted to join, it would be approved pending the cost to add them to our snow removal. This will be revisited in January.
Concern was expressed about speeding in the neighborhood. A police patrol was discussed (which is quite expensive) as well as alternative methods to potentially curtail speeding. This issue will be evaluated again in the spring.
Snow removal was reported on by Elmer Boarders and Karen Coleman. They are collecting bids from various contractors. It was mentioned that the vendor should have proof of insurance. Kathy Faulkner moved to allow Elmer and Karen to make the decision on the snow removal contractor after evaluating all bids. Bob Weslowski seconded the motion.
Kenny Abell gave the treasurer?’s report. Only 124 residents have paid their dues for the year for a total of $3,720.00. This is only a 25.8% participation rate. Neighborhood membership will be discussed at the next meeting.
Several concerns were made known to those distributing the newsletters. The newsletter and membership form will be distributed again in January. Potential topics for the newsletter were the mayor/city website, the by-laws, a list of baby sitters/pet sitters, and business advertisements.
In new business, a crime watch committee was established. Tom Davis and Jim Lewis will chair the committee.
Dan Jackson called the mayor?’s action line to report all of the missing street signs in the neighborhood.
The January meeting was held on Wednesday, January 5, 2000, at the home of Dan and Sue Jackson.
The treasurer reported 29 new members, bringing the total to 153 of the 480 houses in the neighborhood (32%). A $300 deposit had been provided to JJJ L&D Inc. for snow removal. The contract with JJJ was discussed, and it includes the section of Pershing Road north of Camberwood Drive.
Concerns about membership and participation were discussed. The group also discussed better informing the residents of the covenants they agreed to by moving into the neighborhood, possibly by including a covenant FYI in the newsletter. The covenants regarding real estate signs were discussed. Only one sign, on the property for sale, is allowed. Any other signs should be removed, including those in the median at 79th street.
Meeting dates for the rest of the year were finalized. They are: 3/1/00, 5/3/00, 7/12/00, 9/6/00 and 11/1/00.
Through Dan Jackson?’s request, some street signs have been replaced, but additional signs have been damaged. Dan has received mail asking for our neighborhood's participation in area groups and the CCHSNA would like to become more involved and be better informed about issues in Pike Township.
Other discussion included the neighborhood association web site (in progress) and a neighborhood Easter egg hunt.
Items on the agenda for the next meeting on March 1, 2000, at the Jackson?’s include the following:
?• Organizing the Garage Sale; and
?• Discussing a neighborhood Picnic.
Meetings of the association board are open to all ?“paid-up?” association members. Your participation is strongly encouraged!