Danbury Subdivision Annual Meeting
May 6, 2010
Trustees in Attendance: Don Boehlein, Steve Gannon, Steve Koetting
The meeting was opened and Chaired by Steve Koetting
1. 2009 financials were discussed per the handout. Danbury had a surplus for 2009.
2. Daily pay for the pool committee members was discussed and raised by $5.00 to $25.00 per day. Distribution of payment was left to be determined by the pool committee. Tracy Boehlein (not in attendance) has agreed to head the committee for a 2nd year.
3. Wrist bands for identification of Danbury residents using pool was discussed as a temporary way to assure that non-residents are not allowed in the pool. Wristbands would be issued to all residents and must be worn to access pool. A newsletter explaining pool rules will be hand delivered to each household along with the wristband.
4. County approval and permit to operate has not been issued as of the meeting date. Approval was verbally given subject to inspection after pool is prepared to open.
5. Discussion of the new pool fence:
If we do not have to spend a significant amount of money to satisfy the county inspection we would replace the existing 4 foot fence with 6 foot, 1 ¼ inch block vinyl clad cyclone fencing. A motion was made and seconded to approve spending up to $9,000 on said fencing without further subdivision approval.
6. Clean up day was scheduled for 9 am on May 15th at the pool.
7. People who had donated their time and effort to Danbury were recognized and thanked.
8. Several items of new business were discussed:
- Dog owners and walkers need to pick up after their animals
- A question was posed as to why people park their cars on the street rather than in their driveways and garages.
- Speeders in the subdivision streets were brought up and it was agreed that we would contact the Ballwin police again.
- Questions were posed as to what service to have on the pool phone. Currently, AT&T seemed high. There was a discussion on why we use AT&T and retention of phone number was brought up as a good reason.
9. Election of Trustees:
Steve Gannon was nominated and elected as unopposed for 2nd and 3rd year term
Steve Koetting has 1 year remaining in his term
Don Boehlein has 2 years remaining in is term