In order to reduce distribution costs, and therefore save the Homeowner Association's money for other projects, my personal objective is to take advantage of the high speed and low cost of the internet to distribute the newsletter
electronically, using e-mail and/or web access to as many residents as are interested. For our friends who are not connected to the internet, please do not feel left out as we intend to mail the newsletters via the U.S. Postal Service to all residents, unless you specifically request to receive only the internet copy. In any case, the first few issues of the newsletter will be mailed to all residents while we
work out the electronic system.
In order to facilitate using the internet for newsletter distribution, we need to collect the e-mail addresses of our residents who are interested. If you are interested, please send an e-mail message to and include the following:
-E-Mail address(s) (more than one is OK)
-Your name(s)
-Street address
-Do you have access to world-wide-web? (Y or N)
-Permission to include your e-mail address in a resident directory (optional, see below)
-Do you want the newsletter delivered by postal mail in addition to e-mail? (Y or N)
-Newsletter ideas or requests or anything else you want to tell us