The Denniston Park Neighborhood Association voted to adopt Denniston Park through OKC Beautiful?’s Adopt-A-Park Program. We have formed a Park Committee, which currently has 12 active members. We have weekly assignments as to who will do a walk through the park and pick up litter.
At our last committee meeting, we decided to accept the offer of 4 dozen spring blooming bulbs from OKC Beautiful. We have plans to install a new bedding area around the current Denniston Park sign. Other low maintenance perennials will be planted at this site.
Unfortunately, in October, our humongous elm tree on the south corner of Denniston Drive and Drexel, was removed by the OKC Parks Department. Having survived many years of weather conditions, the tree could not withstand 3 years of drought and the late winter ice storm. The Park Committee is in the process of talking with the OKC Parks Department about designing a bedding area where the tree was, that will include a new monument tree, shrubs and perennials and a Denniston Park We also have asked the Parks Department to help us conduct an evaluation of all the trees in the park. Over the years, trees have either died or have been damaged by storms. Our committee would like to replace these trees. This study will also help us to create a Landscape Master Plan, for the entire park.
This winter, the Parks Department will conduct a signage study. We have asked them for this so we can be involved in the process of adding new signs where needed, removing those that are not, and putting the needed signs in one or two strategic areas to not cause excessive sign clutter.
Last, but not least, we have asked the Parks Department to consider another project to install two more park benches, one more picnic table, additional lighting, and a sidewalk or trail around the perimeter of the park. There are many grants available to neighborhoods that we will be considering to help cover the costs of all of our projects.
Volunteers are always needed for the Park Committee. As you can tell, we are a busy committee with many different volunteer opportunities available. If you are interested in joining this committee, please contact Susan Johnston at 946-0248 or