Denniston Park neighborhood has a wonderful group of block captains who are very dedicated! To view a list of active block captains and their designated blocks, click on 'Neighbor Contacts'. Currently there are two blocks that need block captains. These blocks are temporarily being covered by other block captains. If you would like to become a block captain or would like more information please send an e-mail to Dorothy Antwine at the below e-mail link.
* Deliver flyers of neighborhood meetings and events
* Represent your block at neighborhood meetings
* Introduce yourself to the neighbors on your block
* Gather information for the neighborhood directory - current names, addresses, phone numbers
* Report to the president of the neighborhood association any block information needing attention by the association
* Coordinate all social activities for the block
* Welcome new neighbors on your block to join the association (letter signed by the officers and block captain welcoming new neighbors will be provided)
* Report any deaths on the block to the president (followed by a condolense card signed by officers and block captain)
* Identify a willing individual to take your place when your term as block captain is over
Email us