Dobson Woods

Dobson Woods Neighborhood News June 2005

Feb 06, 2006

Welcome to the June issue of Dobson Woods Neighborhood News, a monthly newsletter that will cover events, news and issues facing your neighborhood.

Please share this newsletter with your neighbors.

A newsletter for neighbors of the Dobson Woods Community, a Registered Neighborhood

In This Issue

Status Check on Committees
List of Committees and Members
City Contacts for Concerns
Budget Woes
Neighborhood Web Site, Directory
Committee Chairs Meet, Set Course of Action

The committee chairs met to discuss next steps. Soon committee chairs will be contacting the volunteers to hold individual committee meetings to come up with plans for the community. The plans will be shared in this newsletter and will be shared at the next community meeting, to be held sometime in September.

The list of committees is attached. If you did not volunteer and are interested, please contact the chair/contact person listed for each committee.

City Resources, Services Help Keep Neighborhood Vibrant
If you don?’t have time to volunteer on one of the committees mentioned above, there are other ways you can get involved, and they are simple.

Ever see a shopping cart on your street and wonder how to get rid of it? Well shopping carts are expensive and the owners, usually grocery stores, want them back. If you see a cart, find out which store it belongs to and call the grocery store. Provide the exact location of the cart, cross streets are very helpful. The stores have services that will come to collect the carts, usually within a 24-hour period.

Another neighborhood nuisance is graffiti. When you see graffiti, call the City of Mesa?’s graffiti line at (480) 644-3083. It?’s a recorded message and all you need to do is provide your name, phone number and the exact location of the graffiti. Service is usually provided within a 24-hour period. If the graffiti is on private property, it?’s usually the responsibility of the homeowner to remove it. Call the city with questions.

One department that all homeowners in Mesa should be aware of is the Neighborhood Outreach Office. On its site, Housing Codes are listed along with ways to contact the city to report possible violations. When reporting a violation, be specific as to which code is being violated and provide the street address of the home in question. The office?’s Web site provides housing codes that all homeowners are expected to follow. Visit, e-mail or call (480) 644-2061.

Mesa Budget Woes Concerning
If you have been reading the newspaper, you are aware that the City of Mesa has been experiencing budget issues. One area where cuts may be considered is in Neighborhood Outreach, the very area that is helping support this neighborhood accomplish improvements and enforce codes. If you are interested in voicing your concerns, please send a note or call our council person Tom Rawles at (480) 644-3003 or

Neighborhood Web Site Coming Soon, Neighborhood Directory Here
The neighborhood Web site (
is up, but does not have any information in it yet. Check it in July.

The list attached includes members of the community who called expressing interest in what we are doing and those who attended the meeting in April. Please do not use this list for soliciting your services or products to your neighbors. It?’s the start of a neighborhood directory and should be used in case of issues occurring in the neighborhood or for other community purposes.

The list also has been shared with the City of Mesa. You will be added to their e-mail communications list to inform you of city meetings or other activities in the city. If you do not want to receive these e-mails once they start, please let the city know.

Also attached is a map of our community for your information.

Your Ads

APL Carpet, Upholstery, Tile Cleaning and Restoration--Contact John at (480) 209-6323. Free estimates and no up-charges for pre-spotting or travel.

If you have an ad or news item for the monthly newsletter or for the Web site, please send it to before July 14, 2005.

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