As agreed by a majority vote, the annual association dues are to be $40.00. The dues are collected at the beginning of the fiscal year, which runs Sept. to Sept..Everyone is encouraged to submit your payment as soon as you receive your billing notice.
As a member of the association your member dues are used to pay for the following expenditures:
I. Lawn and flowerbeds at the entrance.
II. Utilities.
III. Taxes on Association property.
IV. Liability insurance.
V. Lawn fertilizer and weed control.
In addition to these ongoing expenses we have had several other non-bugeted items such as: new landscape, new water regulator systems, replacement of valves on watering system.
And finally, your annual dues help underwrite the annual Dogwood Creek Neighborhood Picnic. This is the best opportunity to meet and greet your neighbors. The picnic is usually in the Fall and the date will be announced soon. Please invite any new neighbors personally and encourage them to get involved with the Association.