Many of you may have seen the new styles of street signs that have been popping up around Germantown the last couple years. The latest survey taken by the Duntreath Neighborhood Assoc (DNA) indicated that an overwhelming majority of those in our subdivision are interested in supporting the effort to have our street signs upgraded. DNA has responded by putting together a capital campaign to fund this initiative.
The City of Germantown is in the process of rebidding the street sign project. With the estimates that we have been given, we will be able to make the street signs become a reality if each homeowner pays just $35. Many of you may wish to give above and beyond that amount to make this project become financially viable more quickly.
Over the next several weeks block captains will be calling and visiting each household to solicit your support and contribution to this campaign. Please help by providing your contribution of $35 or more. You can also assist by volunteering to help get the word about our campaign out to your neighbors.
You can also contribute by filling out the information on the back of this flyer and send with a check today to Duntreath Neighborhood Association, and send it in c/o Parker McCaleb – 8975 Armadale Dr. – 38139.