Since we are halfway through our year rotating from October through September the dues are half price.
Individual $25.00/12.50
Business $75.00/37.50
Associate $10.00/$5.00
Seniors $12.50/$6.25
Associate member is one who doesn't have voting
capabilities such as maybe a relative who lives elsewhere and can't attend meetings yet wants to financially support ehna. The first 100 members of EHNA receive a complimentary window decal emblazoned with our logo! So far about 60 members have joined since last April. Flyers will be distributed in the next two weeks before our April 18th meeting announcing our meeting
dates and agendas for April, May, and June.
Remember you can attend the meetings and participate without joining the only restriction is voting privileges i.e., one membership denotes one vote cast.
Before joining come visit us at the next meeting and see what we are about!
Colleen McDonough, President