A few words from ENA President-Dennis Murphy
Happy New Year to you all!
Your new ENA officers have met 4 times since taking office in mid-October 2003 and are all looking forward to a productive year for the association.
Just a few of the items up for discussion have been:
?„h Renewing or replacing the Easthaven sign at the median of Easthaven Drive and Harris as well as the natural gas light.
?„h Working on a plan to keep the median clean and fresh.
?„h Using the neighborhood website and email more effectively to communicate news and important neighborhood information,
?„h A revision of the ENA by-laws to make them more flexible in handling future issues facing the neighborhood.
These are just a few of the items your officers are working on right now.
By the time you receiver this newsletter we will have attended 2 meetings concerned with the health of the neighborhoods on the eastside of Charlotte. At the March general meeting we will be able to give you an update on those meetings.
Meeting News
The next general meeting of the Easthaven Neighborhood Association membership has been tentatively set for Saturday, March 13 at 10:00 am. at the Independence Branch of the Charlotte-Mecklenberg Public Library.
A Note From the Treasurer
In both 2002 and 2003 we had about 50 paid members, which leaves about 140 non-involved households in our Easthaven Association. Our goal for 2004 is to have 130 involved neighbors.
How can you do your part??? We would like to ask everyone to complete the form below and return it by the middle of March. We are discussing the possibility of actually sending each resident an invoice for the $10.00 annual dues, so your payment now would save much time and money later.
YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE in the quality of life in our neighborhood!
Some important numbers to remember:
Police 911-burglary, fire, or other emergency event taking place now
Police Independence Division(formerly Baker 3)?—704-841-1477
On going- not emergency issues
To report abandoned cars?—704-336-7600
Animal control BARKING DOGS?—704-336-7686
Solid Waste removal?—704-336-2673
Charlotte Customer Service Center?—704-336-7600
Can direct you to the right telephone number and responsible office