

Edgemoor Neighborhood Assoc.



The name of the organization shall be The Edgemoor Neighborhood


The purpose of the association is to enhance, improve, and
beautify the Edgemoor Area which is bordered by 62nd. Avenue North,
south to 54th. Avenue North, and from 9th. Street North, east to Foch
Street Northeast. Promoting the general well-being and civic pride of
the real property owners, business people, and residents in the
EdgemoorArea is at the heart of this stated purpose.


Section 1. The membership shall consist of Active and Associate
A. An Active Member is any adult real property owner or
resident of the Edgemoor Area whose dues are currently
paid. An Active Member has the right to vote and the
privilege of holding office.
B. An Associate Member is any adult living outside the
boundaries of this association who's dues are
currently paid and who endorses the goals of this
association. An Associate Member does not have
the right to vote or to hold office.
Section 2. Any person who ceases to be a member of the
association shall forfeit all right of interest in
any property of the association.


Section 1. Members shall be required to pay annual dues in the
amount as recommended by the Board of Directors and
approved by the majority of active members present at
any General Meeting of the association.
Section 2. The Fiscal Year shall be the Calendar Year.


At the November Meeting the active members present shall elect a
Nominating Committee of a minimum of three members. The Committee
shall prepare a slate of officers and directors and present it to the
December Meeting. Additional nominations shall be taken from the
floor and nominations closed.
A Sample Ballot shall be circulated in the January Newsletter.
Elections will be held at the Annual Meeting in January. The ballots
will be available at the door of the meeting room and active members
present will complete their ballots and drop them into the ballot box
provided. Balloting will be closed one-half hour after the announced
starting time for this meeting.
The Nominating Committee will tally the votes during the meeting
and will report the results before that meeting ends. The prevailing
candidates will be officially seated at the end of the January Meeting
and shall serve until new ones are elected.
In the event no candidate wins a majority, the two candidates with
the largest number of votes will be voted on.


Section 1. There shall be five officers: President, two Vice-
Presidents, (including one to be elected in January,
1997 from the newly annexed Southwest Circle Area),
Secretary and Treasurer.
In order to run for office, a candidate must be a
permanent, year round resident of the Edgemoor
Duties of these officers shall include, but not be
limited to, the following:
Section 2. The President shall:
A. Be the Executive Officer and preside over the meetings
of the Association and the Board of Directors.
B. Co-sign with the Treasurer any contract or
obligation as authorized by the General Membership.
C. Have the authority to create special committees and
appoint committee chairpersons, except the Nominating
D. Be an ex-officio member of every committee, except the
Nominating Committee.
E. Give an Annual Report at the association's December
General Meeting.
F. Appoint a committee, approved by the general membership,
to audit the financial records annually.
G. Appoint a Parliamentarian.
H. Upon leaving office, be an ex-officio member of the
Board of Directors.
I. The President or his designee will be the official
spokesperson for the Association.
Section 3. The Vice-President shall:
A. Perform the duties of the President when the President
is absent.
B. Assist the President or Board of Directors upon request.
C. Assume the Office of the President for the remaining
term, should that Office become vacant.
Section 4. The Secretary shall:
A. Keep the Minutes of the Association meetings and Board
of Director's meetings, and promptly send or deliver
them to the President.
B. Receive any written communication or reports from
members or committees, and promptly send them to the
C. Maintain a current list of names and addresses of all
D. Safely keep all corporation documents and have a
reference copy of the Articles of Incorporation and
By-laws available at all association meetings and
Board meetings.
E. Regularly pickup and promptly distribute association
mail received at the Post Office.
F. Send out or provide all notices as may be required.
Section 5. The Treasurer shall:
A. Collect or receive all money belonging to the
Association. Promptly deposit all funds in the name of
the Association in such financial institutions as the
Board of Directors may designate.
B. Receive dues and promptly provide the Secretary with
names and addresses of the new members.
C. Pay all recurring normal or routine bills of the
Association as authorized by the Board of Directors,
and disburse any other funds as approved by the
General Membership.
D. Co-sign with the President any contract or obligation
as authorized by the General Membership.
E. Co-sign checks with any Officer.
F. Give a monthly Treasurer's Report at the general
membership meetings and a written financial report
whenever requested by the Board of Directors.
G. Maintain the financial records.


Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of all Officers
and Directors, as may be elected, and the outgoing
President. Minimum number of directors shall be seven
(7) (to include two directors from the newly annexed
Southwest Circle Area). The office of any director
failing to attend two (2) consecutive regular board
meetings or association meetings may, at the
discretion of the Board, be declared vacant.
Section 2. The Board is charged with the responsibility of
transacting the regular, routine business of the
Among its duties, the Board shall:
A. Authorize payment of regular, recurring, or routine
bills of the Association.
B. Fill vacancies on the Board for the term remaining,
except the Office of President, by a majority vote.
C. Create and define the duties of all standing
committees and confirm the President's appointment of
all standing committee chairpersons.
D. Approve the purpose and duties of special committees.


Section 1. Standing committees shall be created and dissolved
by the Board of Directors. Standing committee
chairpersons shall be appointed by the President
and confirmed by the Board.
Section 2. Special committees shall be created and dissolved
by the President. Their purpose and duties shall be
defined by the President and approved by the Board.
Section 3. A committee shall not engage in any activity in the
name of the Association which is contrary to the
goals and stated purpose of the Association.


Section 1. General meetings of the Association shall be held
regularly, as determined by the Board of Directors. The
time, date, and place shall be recommended by the Board
of Directors and approved by a majority of active members
at any general meeting. At least seven (7) days notice
shall be given to all members whenever there is a change
in time, date, or place of the regular meetings.
Section 2. Special meetings of the Association may be called by the
Board of Directors or by written request of ten (10)
active members. Written notice of the date, place, and
purpose of special meetings shall be provided to all
association members at least seven (7) days before any
special meetings.
Section 3. The January General Meeting shall be known as the Annual
Meeting, and it shall be at this meeting that election
of Officers and Directors shall take place.
Section 4. A quorum at any general or special meeting of the
Association shall consist of ten percent (10%) of the
active membership or ten (10) active members, whichever
is greater.
Section 5. The Board of Directors shall meet regularly, one-half
hour before regularly scheduled meetings. Special board
meetings may be called by the President or any three (3)
Directors. At least three (3) days notice must be
provided to Directors for special Board meetings. In all
Board meetings, a quorum shall be a simple majority.


(p11 of 12)
The orderly transaction of business affairs during meetings shall
be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, Revised. The Parliamentarian
shall advise the President as needed and shall attend all general and
special meetings of the Association.


These by-laws may be amended in the following manner over a period
of three (3) consecutive general membership meetings:
Section 1. First Meeting: Any proposed amendment must first be
accepted for consideration by a majority of active members
at any general meeting. If accepted, notice of the proposed
amendment must be provided to all members at least seven
(7) days before the next business meeting.
Section 2. Second Meeting: The proposed amendment shall be
read to the general membership.
Section 3. Third Meeting: The amendment must be approved by
two-thirds (2/3) of the active members present.


Any fund raising shall be approved by the Board of Directors and
shall not violate any city, county, state, or federal statute or law.
Donations shall be accepted.

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