El Dorado

Our Information

Neighborhood Link Contact

Neighborhood Link Contact

Welcome to the El Dorado Homeowner Association's electronic neighborhood.

Please be sure to read the latest edition of our neighborhood newsletter, the El Dorado Sunburst, and check our calendar for upcoming events.

You can contact us using the information below:

President - EDHA Board

Ezra Johnson  210-829-1660

El Dorado Homeowners Association
12606 Prima Vista, San Antonio, TX. 78233

Vice-President - EDHA Board


Secretary - EDHA Board

Jennifer McRae

Treasurer - EDHA Board

Shannon Grebill


Parliamentarian - EDHA Board


Area 1 - EDHA Board

Malachi Bass

Area 2 - EDHA Board

Ezra Johnson

Area 3 - EDHA Board

Shannon Grabil  N/A

Area 4 - EDHA Board

Joyce Streuding  210-480-2074

Area 5 - EDHA Board


Area 6 -EDHA Board

Sandra Carroll  210-725-8549

Lake Committee Chairman

Ezra Johnson

Clubhouse Committee  (to rent the clubhouse, text or call any or all of the following  committee members:)

Jasmine    210-9926757  (text preferred)

Clubhouse rental fees:

$340 (which includes cleaningt + $300 refundable key & damage deposit
(Minimum general membership required)

Code Compliance Committee Chair


COP Committee Chair


Garden Committee Chair

Zanel Pizarro  210-425-5840

Sign Director

Margaret Timm  Home: 210-657-2329

Membership Committee Chair

Lola Olsmith  Home: 210-657-0086

General Maintenance Membership: $90.00

General Membership  with Pool Access: $175.00

For either fee, the payment may be split into 4 payments but must be paid prior to facilities use.

Pool Committee Chairs  (text or call about pool rental or info)

Sandra Carroll  210-725-8549

Kelly Adame       210-846-7777

Social Committee Chair



Welcome Wagon Committee Chair


Sunburst Editor

Nora Chavez  210-854-1552


Sunburst Distribution

Online only

Sunburst Advertising

Dona Schermerhorn Home: 210-967-0448

Sunburst Email




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