Elk Creek Farms

October 17th 2007 Annual Meeting Minutes

Annual Meeting


Meeting Convened: 7:00 PM at the Avon Grove Intermediate School Audion

Opening remarks were made by Glenn Davis (president) about the state of the community and the accomplishments that had been made and the vision for the future

Election: Paige Willover was the sole candidate for Board member, although there were 2 up for election. Since there were no other candidates, the president took a voice vote of the members present and Paige was unanimously elected to another 2 year term.

Accountant, Brian Hall, C.P.A. discussed the financial state of the HOA .

The following matters were addressed during the meeting:

A. Fire hydrants/Cost

A question was raised during the course of the meeting regarding the cost of the fire hydrants and who was responsible for paying same.

The board of directors has contacted Penn Township officials about this issue and have been advised that the developer was required to pay for two offsite fire hydrants near the development. The costs paid by the developer included a 5 year rental for the 2 offsite hydrants. After the 5 year rental expires, Penn Township pays the maintenance cost for the 2 offsite hydrants. Located inside the Elk Creek Farms development are 9 hydrants. The HOA is responsible to maintain the 9 hydrants at a cost of approximately $450 per hydrant (total-$4050) annually.
Penn Township is considering instituting a “fire tax” ($25-35 per year per resident) at an undetermined date in the future to fund the maintenance of all hydrants in the township. This would eliminate the HOA’s obligation to pay the maintenance cost.

B. Pumping Station
There was a question about the maintenance costs for the pumping station. The board has determined that Penn Township pays the maintenance and related costs for this facility at present

C. Budget

Some of the members present expressed a desire to see financial statements of the HOA on a more frequent basis. The board agreed to make the balance sheet portion of the HOAs financial statements available to the members more frequently as requested by some of the members who attended the AGM. The board agreed to publish the balance sheet on a monthly basis to the members (electronically to save cost of postage) on the HOA website commencing in January 2008.

Also, as indicated above, Brian Hall, CPA, addressed the members on the state of the budget and the financial condition of the HOA.

D. Railroad Trestle and Tracks

Members at the meeting expressed concern about the trash that has been accumulating along the railroad tracks and around the trestle. The board made an investigation and discovered that they are privately owned and they were recently sold. The owner is supposed to be cleaning up the trash and maintaining the area. Determining who the owner is and trying to get it/them to take action is problematic. The Township has made efforts to get the trestle repaired and maintained without success. The board determined that it will not pursue this issue at present.

E. Town Watch

Members have at various times expressed an interest in developing a town watch in the community. A total of 7 members volunteered at the AGM and the board is moving forward to establish a dialog with the volunteers to put some form of Town Watch in place. It is anticipated that a meeting on this topic will be held in January 2008.

D. Speed Bumps

A question was raised during the meeting regarding speeding in the community and a suggestion that speed bumps may help. The board talked to Penn Township officials about the practical aspects of installing speed bumps in our community in response to concerns raised by homeowners about speeding on our streets. Traffic studies, regulations, township ordinances and other issues make it difficult. The township owns the streets and they are not inclined at present to install speed bumps.

E. Street Lights

Some members present suggested that street lights be installed in the community to make it a safer and better place to live. The board discussed moving forward with an initiative to request members to leave outside lights on at night to provide illumination for the community. This may be helpful in deterring recently reported thefts from autos and vandalism. The board has determined that it is not financially feasible at the present time to install street lights and has decided not to pursue it.

F. Postings on Website

The board discussed posting board of directors’ meeting minutes and other additional information on the HOA website in response to member requests. Commencing in January, 2008, the board meeting minutes will be posted on the website.
G. Wires on Perpetual Court

There was a question about electric/cable/utility wires exposed on the premises. The board agreed to investigate the location and presence of the wires, determine whether any action is required, and to take appropriate measures to remedy the situation if warranted.

H. Wires at Entrances

The Township engineer pledged to the board that he would make inquiries with the appropriate utilities to have the wires buried or less conspicuous. The Board agreed to follow up with the Township to find out what, if any, action had been taken to improve this situation.

I. Insects

Our community received a larger than normal insect presence this fall about which some members expressed concern. Since this was a one time short term event, which apparently had no measurable effects, the board decided to take no action at this time.

J. Sparse Grass Areas

Members expressed concern about sparse/bare portions of the common area. The board discussed the reported common areas that are in need of grass or other plants. The board agreed to arrange for seeding and planting in the spring through the landscaping contractor.

K. Electronic Notification to Members

Members raised the suggestion that notification be made to the members through electronic means rather than ordinary mail to save on the cost of postage. The board agreed to post as much information on the website as possible on issues that effects the members generally. However, information specific to certain members will continue to be sent by regular mail (certified as appropriate) to insure that notification requirements (legal and otherwise) are met. The board is considering providing electronic notice to the members for the 2008 AGM. The board agreed that a list of email addresses would likely need to be compiled.

L. HOA Fee

The Board has approved raising the fee to $260 per year to address the shortfall in the budget as discussed at the AGM.

M. Dogs Barking

Some members have complained about dogs barking amounting to an unreasonable interference with the quiet enjoyment of their property and creating a nuisance. The Board resolved and confirmed that the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions are in place for the good of everyone in the community and every homeowner is requested to respect the privacy, presence and right to quiet enjoyment of their neighbors.

N. Front Entrances/Landscaping

1. The board discussed the fact that the care and maintenance of the common area is the HOA’s largest expense. Accordingly, the board agreed and decided to compile a list of potential landscaping contractors from which to solicit bids for the 2008 season. Once the bids are obtained, an effort will be made to negotiate a multi year contract with the lowest qualified bidder to further control rising costs.

2. The board further decided to reduce the number of cuts during the 2008 season to every other week to further reduce costs. If negative feedback is received from the members, it can be adjusted accordingly.

C. After the AGM, the board decided to perform a final cut of the drainage swales on the south side of Allsmere Drive. This was accomplished on or about November 12, 2007. The board decided that the expense of a final cut of the common area was not warranted.

D. We had 8 volunteers sign up at the AGM to assist with landscaping issues (especially at the entrances). The board discussed how to best utilize this valuable resource in 2008. No decisions have yet been made. The board expresses gratitude to those members for stepping forward and volunteering to help with this valuable function.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:04 pm

Posted by pwillover on 12/25/2007
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