Meeting convened at 8:03 p.m./Present: Chris LaPak, Paige Willover and Glenn Davis
I. Minutes from October 24, 2005 Board of Directors Meeting approved
II. Newsletter/Website
The content for the next newsletter was discussed with an agreement to provide proposed content by November 28, 2005 e-mail.
III. Landscaping Contract for 2006
Glenn Davis confirmed that the recently negotiated new contract had been signed and returned to Shew Mgt. after review and approval by the BOD
IV. Southern Chester County Concerned Citizens Organization (SCCCCO)
The BOD discussed the facts involved regarding Nutrisoils attempts to buy new property in Lower Oxford Twp. for the purpose of expanding their compost production operation. Ovations residents had a meeting on November 16, 2005 to learn about the proposed project. A meeting was scheduled for December 7, 2005 and the BOD decided to have at least one member attend to report to the homeowners. Efforts to obtain dates for any future hearings on the issues presented will be made to disseminate to the homeowners to encourage them to attend if able. The BOD agreed to continue to post the SCCCCO website on the Elk Creek home page to keep the homeowners informed.
V. Schedule Meeting of HOA Members
The BOD discussed scheduling a meeting of the HOA members at the beginning of the calender year 2006 to review the budget and discuss expenses and revenue as well as progress on completion of the community and dedication
VI. Developer Issues
A. Mark Fawzi Letter-The BOD discussed the content of the letter. The construction debris issue needs to be addressed by the Developer. It was agreed to raise it at the next meeting with the Developer. Paige Willover agreed to call to get clarification from the homeowner
B. The BOD agreed that we need to be involved in the Twp. walk-through inspections with the Developer regarding open space, common areas, basins, etc. Glenn Davis will take the lead to contact a Penn Township representative to determine when the inspections are scheduled. Problem areas to be addressed include the area behind Blanca which has not been cut, wires in front of the far south entrance and construction debris
C. The BOD discussed the complaints received about the entrance signs and surrounding areas. The landscape contractor has taken action to clean up, plant and mulch the areas which has resulted in improvement of their appearance. The wires are still in place and the Developer needs to be advised
VII. Burton Fence/Shed
Glenn Davis reported to the Board that he had spoken to Terri Bonenberger regarding a reinspection of the shed. Glenn Davis will follow up as Ms. Bonenberger had not yet reinspected
VIII. SCUBA Tank Business
The BOD discussed any recent information regarding the above. Glenn Davis was appointed to follow up with the Penn Twp. CEO
IX. Budget
The BOD reviewed the most recent delinquency reports and insured that the appropriate enforcement avenues were being pursued for each case. There were fees outstanding from 3 homeowners. The BOD also reviewed the budget and discussed the upcoming meeting with Ed Shew of Shew Mgt. about the homeowner fee for 2006. Specifically the BOD discussed the requirements of the bylaws regarding a budget surplus (Art. 10C) and that the fee cannot be increased above 5% of the prior year. (Art. 10, section 10A).
X. New Business
The BOD discussed inquiries received from homeowners regarding a neighborhood watch program. The BOD decided that research was needed as to what the staffing requirements would be. Once that is determined the members will be canvassed to determine if there is sufficient interest in the program to make it worthwhile.
Meeting Adjourned