Elvira Neighborhood Association

April 15, 2013 Approved Minutes

Elvira Neighborhood Association Meeting 4/15/13



            Officers Present:  David Densmore, President                                                                         
                                            Mikki Niemi, Vice President; InterimTreasurer                                                                                Tere Filkin, Councilperson ; Interim Secretary                                                                                        Dorothy Niemi, Historian                                                            

             Guests Present:    Richard Miranda, City Manager        


Call to Order:  President David Densmore called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Moment of Silence

TPD Report:  Capt Ramon Batista and other officers were in attendance. The crime  rate has been low the last 4-5 weeks.  They reminded everyone of the smart phone app,  tagaway, that you can download to use in reporting graffiti, and of the non emergency phone number 791-4444.  Several residents brought up issues of speeding and loud noise in the neighborhood which disturbing the
peace can be reported any time of day that it is disturbing your peace, there is no specific time is associated with this. 

Minutes:  Motion to accept the Feb 11, 2013 minutes as written was made by Oscar Tortosa and seconded by Lydia Castillo.Motion was passed by all present.

Treasurers Report:  Treasurer Mikki Niemi reported no change, current balance is $1286.00 

Guest Speaker:  City Manager Richard Miranda answered questions concerning what is available for neighborhoods.  One issue raised was the need of  neighborhoods for more mailings.  He stated that core City services such as Fire and Police will have no cuts to staffing. Traffic stops are often netting more than traffic tickets and that street conditions are going to be addressed in the next couple of years even though revenues are down.

Old Business:  

 A) By-Laws meeting will be held before next month meeting at 6:00 on April 15th.   The By-Laws Committee is making progress and hopes to be able to bring it before the entire association in the next few months.

B) The Clean Up is scheduled for May 4-5.  The roll off will be delivered around May 2nd and we will meet at Hope Church parking lot at 7:00 a.m. on May .  Cards are to mailed out soon by Evironmental Services notifying the neighborhood of the cleanup.

C) The walking path has been seal coated, and the path is once again open.

New Business:   

A) City of Tucson Code Enforcement (791-5843 )is going through the neighborhood sending out letters to residents that need to clean their yards. 

B) Suggestions were made that a flyer could be put up at Hope Church's Rummage Sales to advertise the monthly meeting.   The ENA sign could be repainted and put up before meetings.  We could apply with Pro-Neighborhoods for grants to obtain funding for more  mailings

Call to the Audience Call:     

 A) The Mobile Health Program is at Hope Church every Wed with the exception of the 5th Wed of the month.  A $20.00 donation is suggested but not required.  They are now offering a Dental Clinic as well as health care.  A brochure was available in English & Spanish.

B) City of Tucson Code Enforcement (791-5843 )is going through the neighborhood sending out letters to residents that need to clean their yards. 

C) DeJon Gifford's spoke concerning the mosaic Elvira Neighborhood signs east of 12th Ave,  expressing her opinion the signs remain.  Claudia Valenzuela also spoke stating that she was part of the Elvira Youth Council who worked to erect these signs .  David Densmore called for a motion to table the matter suggesting DeJon speak with her own neighborhood association concerning this.   Sam Vidal seconded the motion.

Adjournment:                                                                                                                                    Motion to adjourned was made by Rachel Tortosa and seconded by Oscar Tortosa.  Motion was passed by all present.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:14 p.m.

Elvira Neighborhood Association website



Posted by dave densmore on 05/02/2013
Last updated on 05/20/2013
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