Elvira Neighborhood Association

Dec 15, 2014 Approved Minutes

Elvira Neighborhood Association Meeting 12/15/14

Approved Minutes

Officers Present:  David Densmore, President

                              Mikki Niemi, Vixe President, Interim Treasurer

                             Tere Filkin, Secretary, Councilperson

                             Oscar Tortosa, Sgt at Arms, Councilperson

                            Dororthy Niemi, HIstorian

Guest Speakers:  none scheduled this month

 Call to Order:  President David Densmore called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

Moment of Silence

Introductions were made around the room

TPD Report:   no officer present this month

Minutes:    A motion to accept the Nov 2014 minutes with two corrections; a spelling error and striking the Call to the Audience section. Motion to accept with corrections made by Oscar Tortosa and seconded by Rachel Tortosa; it was then approved by all present.

Treasurers Report:  Treasurer Mikki Niemi reported balance is $1551.91.  Motion to accept the treasurer's report was made by Tere Filkin, and seconded by Oscar Tortosa.   Motion was passed by all present.

 Old Business:      Proposed Park Sites 

A) Oscar Tortosa proposed working with Santa Clara UMC on a park located on church property, it is already covered by their insurance.  Oscar is working on a bocce ball area and would like to see more playground equipment added to this site.  The church is proposing turning the ball field into two soccer fields and the area between these and the basketball court is available for a neighborhood park.  Oscar has been performing maintenance for the church in exchange for a park area.

 (B) Mikki Niemi proposed opening up the area and moving the gate down the length of four houses in the fenced area at Santa Clara and Los Reales for a park, including a playground area.  He's discussed this with the Mayor at a cost of $40,000.00.  Yolanda Martinez stated she lives in this area and is greatly opposed to any park in this location.  Sam Valdovin stated a park in this same area had been proposed several years ago and was opposed by area residents then also.  Mikki also proposed a park in the area behind the church at 12th and Los Reales and working with Barrio Nopal.  Tere Filkin stated this ideal was in the original walking path plans and had been turned down by the City as it was too close to Los Reales to be a safe area for a park.  

(C) Dave Densmore stated area residents around Santa Clara/Los Reales will not support a park in the fenced off area, a petition opposing a park there has already been started.  He said also said since the Elvira Neighborhood Association has not appointed anyone as a spokesperson for discussing parks with any officials, the President is the only official spokesperson for the neighborhood per our by-laws.

Dorothy Niemi spoke out of turn, banged chairs and constantly disrupted the park presentations.  The Sgt of Arms asked her to leave which she refused to do.

New Business:   January elections.  Offices up for election are Vice President, Secretary, Historian, and additional Council positions.  Dave urged everyone to consider running for one of these openings.

Call to the Audience:   Dave thanked the Church for use of our meeting room. It was brought up that schools auction off unused playground equipment.  Discussed looking for playground equipment and lighting in local grants. 

President's report:   Dave stated we had met most of the goals we set for this year.  Guess speakers was one goal, and we had many this year that were all well attended.  We provided Thanksgiving baskets again this year and Oscar Tortosa once again donated a bicycle to a Santa Clara Elementary School student.  For 2015 we need to move away from the negative and work together on what we can accomplish.  Yolanda and Tony Martinez brought hot chocolate and cupcakes for after the meeting, everyone is welcome to stay for a while.  Dave stated that if no one was here for the bicycle drawing, he'd take it to over to Santa Clara Elementary School and donate to a student.

Adjournment:  Motion to adjourn was made by Sam Valdovin seconded by Rachel Tortosa.   Motion was passed by all present.  Meeting was adjourned at 7:57 p.m.

Elvira Neighborhood Association website http://www.neighborhoodlink.com/Elvira

Posted by dave densmore on 01/19/2015
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