Traffic Calming is a set of street designs and traffic rules that slow and reduce traffice while encouraging walkers and cyclists to share the street.
Traffic Calming reduces traffic accidents, increases safety and convenience for pedestrians and other non-motorists, gives more space for children and residents, eliminates noise and pollution, improves scenery, provides neighborhood revitalization and stability and reduces crime.
See the below websites for excellent sources of information. Descriptions of the different types and uses of traffic calming measures are given.
South End Group Wants to Delay Street Repairs
FOCUS hopes to work with city to slow traffic.
Traffic Calming
US Dept of Transportation; Federal Highway Administration
Sources for Info on Traffic Calming in U.S. fr City Cambridge Ped and Bike Info Ctr
Roadway Design to Reduce Traffic Speeds and Volumes
PTI Group
Concord Monitor article 01/17/03