Fairground Neighborhood Association

Calling All Block Captains

Looking for ways to meet your neighbors and get some exercise?

Becoming a block captain is one way to accomplish both.

Q. What is a Block Captain? A.. Any neighbor willing to work on community needs and problems and work together with others to solve these problems.
Basic Function: A Block Captain acts as a liaison between neighborhood residents and the Fairground Neighborhood Association. We are in need of captains for several areas. The duties are simple: deliver the newsletter, plus any special flyers for events throughout the year. It’s one of the easiest and most important ways to volunteer for your neighborhood group.

Other Duties of Block Captains:

Acknowledge neighbors renovations and improvements. Complement homeowners when they improve their homes and let the Association know so we can acknowledge them.

Relay Resident ideas and concerns to the Association.

Advises Board then sends appreciation letter to neighbor for neighborhood achievements.

Keep accurate and up to date list of block's residents for newsletters and mailings.

Contact membership committee about new residents, interviews those leaving.

Advise problem areas to Association, who sends reminder letter to residence owner.

Write owner of pet, then contact animal control when problem persists.

Facilitate and coordinate your block's interest in a Neighborhood Watch. Alert Block Captain network and Association of problems and let your block know of other problems in area.


If you’re willing to help, e-mail timcalhoun@myway.com or contact one of the board members in the directory on the front page of this newsletter.
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Posted by timcalhoun on 05/15/2008
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