P. O. BOX 340285
November 26, 2002
The Far Northwest Coalition (FNWC) met for its regularly scheduled meeting at the Northwest Library. Members present of the FNWC Board were John Best, John Murley, Mark Seeger, Eric Goldsmith,
Scott Fair & Rich Herner.
Best opened the meeting at 7:00 pm and Michael Sexton of the City of Columbus Mayor’s Office made a presentation to the group about the next fiscal year operating budget proposal for the City. Sexton said the operating budget is proposed for $545MM, with no increase in income taxes, is fully balanced and allows the City to maintain its triple A bond credit rating. The proposed operating budget includes an approximate $26MM increase in funds for public safety (only department to receive an increase), which includes adding 90 policemen and 41 firefighters. He noted that 82% of the operating budget is allocated to personnel costs. Sexton also noted that this proposed operating budget does not cut any essential city services, such as police and fire, code enforcement, trash pickup and the like.
Sexton said that Columbus is income tax driven and the economy has severely reduced the City’s income tax revenues. He noted that there should be three public hearings by City Council on the proposed operating budget; May 5, May 12 and May 19. This is in addition to the capital budget which is approximately $120MM this year. The proposed budget is available to residents online at www.cityofcolumbus.org, on the link to the Finance Department.
Best then had the FNWC members review the Minutes from the September 25, 2002 meeting. It was moved and seconded that the Minutes be approved as presented. Motion passed.
Laura Comek, James Gilbert, Jeff Shoemaker and John Oney made a presentation to the FNWC Board concerning a rezoning request for the property located at 6822 Sawmill Road (the old BP station just north of Snouffer Road). This request to change the zoning from Commercial Planned Development (CPD) to Limited Commercial Development (L-C-4) to be used a used car dealership by Imke Cadillac, had been tabled from the last meting for additional information. It was noted that the request is scheduled to go before the Development Commission on December 12.
Some changes had been made to the plan since the last meeting. Imke still plans to use the site as a sales and prep lot for their used Cadillac operation. However, the canopy and car wash currently on the site, previously planned to be used, have both been eliminated. Basically, the owner will raze the current structures and put up a new showroom and office building (50’ x 50’ and 30’ in height), as well as a new prep building with four bays and a single car wash. In addition, the current southern curb cut on Sawmill Road will be closed, leaving only the Sawmill curb cut to the north, which will be shared with the adjacent ProCare site. The access drive from Caine Road in the back will also be relocated from the south side of the lot to the north side of the lot, to allow better mutual access for the Imke dealership and the ProCare site. Lighting will be of the cutoff, down lighting variety and the building materials are to be stone and glass, with the total feel to be very similar to the Imke dealership on the other side of Sawmill Road.
Michelle Williams, the City of Columbus liaison person for the local area introduced herself to the group. She said she may be reached at 645-0155 or by e-mail at mawilliams@cmhmetro.net.
The FNWC members briefly discussed the presentation made concerning the Imke property. It was then moved, and seconded, that the FNWC support the request to rezone the property located at 6822 Sawmill Road from CPD to LC4, to be used as a pre-owned automobile dealership by Imke Cadillac, as had been presented. Motion carried.
There being no further business to come before the FNWC Board, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Rich Herner
FNWC Secretary