The Project for Pride and Living (PPL) Emergency Repair Program has been around for quite a few years, but not everyone eligible in Field Regina Northrop knows what it is and how it works. In accordance with our neighborhood's desire (Phase I Action Plan) to promote this emergency program in FRN, the following information is meant to clarify eligibility.
PPL Emergency Repair Program (ER) is dedicated to helping low-income, inner-city homeowners remain in their homes with dignity. Persons on a fixed income are often unable to pay open-market costs for much-needed repairs. A minor repair can make a significant difference in the quality of living and safety for any resident. ER is funded by approximately 30 churches and individual donors. Services are limited to minor repairs--$100 or less. The resident is expected to make a contribution to the cost of materials and labor.
Eligibility Criteria for Homeowners:
* Resident is elderly and low-income
* Resident is single parent with very low income
* Resident is disabled or handicapped
Types of Service Calls:
* Patching and minor roof repairs
* Replacing doors or windows
* Correcting plumbing and heating problems
* Repairing damage from break-ins
* Installing hand rails and wheelchair ramps
For Emergency Repair, call 874-8511.