NOVEMBER 18, 2003
Jerry Woods introduced Zed Kekula, traffic engineer for the city of Santa Ana. Mr. Kekula shared information with us on traffic issues in the city as a whole, and those issues, which directly impact the Fisher Park neighborhood. He discussed the 12 items that the collective neighborhood associations had requested the city address. The categories included, crosswalks, stop signs, speed humps, medians and school bus stops. He told that group that traffic studies on these issues will begin in January 2004 and that he would let the residents know once dates had been determined for these studies.
Patrick Mitchell, Park Naturalist, was unable to attend as scheduled but a presentation was made by September 20 8:30 am
FPNA FINANCIAL REPORT - Rick was absent from the meeting so presentation of the treasurer?’s report was postponed.
FPNA CALENDAR OF EVENTS - Holiday Tree Lighting - Dec. 7 at 4:30pm
ELECTIONS FOR 2004-2005 - Elections were held for the positions of V.P., Treasurer and Member-at-Large. The election results were as follows:
V.P. for 2004-2005 is Tom Smalley
Treasurer for 2004-2005 is Rick Hollabaugh
Member -at-large for 2004-2005 is Diane Farley
Jerry Woods concluded and adjourned the FPNA meeting.