The Residents of Fox Canyon took to the association meeting of October 12, 2004, to elect the Association's PRESIDENT and BLOCK REPRESENTATIVES.
San Diego, October 26, 2004
Hereby, I, Gretchen Braubach, duly elected Secretary to the Fox Canyon Neighborhood Association and Supervisor of Election for the Board of Directors and Presidential election, CERTIFY the election result of OCTOBER 12, 2004, as reported by Thomas Du, Vice Chair and Inspector of Election.
Hereby, I Thomas Du, Vice Chair and appointed Inspector of Election announce the following results:
ONE association member was elected, THREE Association members were re-elected and ONE association member was reappointment. The office of the Presidents was open for re-election. All candidates have a two-year term. 25 ballots were cast from which the ‘YES’ was paired against the ‘NO’ to pick the elected, as follow:
A) Mercedes Martinez-Shetter received 13 yes and 5 no votes.
B) Gerardo Torres received 12 yes and 4 no votes
C) Jose J. Chavez received 13 yes and 3 no votes
D) Mauro Diaz received 15 yes and 5 no votes and was reappointed
E) Bishop Clenel Williams received 17 yes and 2 no votes
F) Jose Lopez received 20 yes and 5 no votes, and was re-elected President.
Duly Signed:
THOMAS DU, Vice Chair and Inspector of Election
CRETCHEN BRAUBACH, Secretary and Inspector of Election