The Steering Committee for the First City?’s Future Visioning Project met Friday February 2nd at the
Oregon City Fire Hall to review the overall mission statement and goals for the project.
Steering committee members were chosen at a community meeting January 31st. Based on input from
surveys and the January 31st meeting, the steering committee added an additional committee, Education, to be chaired by Roger Cone. A draft mission statement for the Education Committee reads: ?“To foster and support pre-K, K-12, post-secondary, and continuing education resources that serve as a positive factor in the development of the community.?” The committee is seeking members and community input.
Mark your calendar for Wednesday, March 14th at 6:30 p.m. There will be a Community Potluck to present Mayor Williams and City Commissioners the final report of Phase 1 of the Visioning Project. It will be held at Oregon City High School Cafeteria, 1306 12th Street. Those interested in attending can bring; a salad if you last name begins with A - L; a hot dish if it?’s M - R; a dessert if it?’s S - Z. For more
information please call 503-632-0546 or e-mail: