The Carnegie Book Corner Has Moved
The best little used book store in the territory and the primary fund raiser for the Friends of the Oregon City Library has relocated to the Oregon City Antique Mall on the corner of 7th and Center Streets. The new Book Corner features an even better collection of library discards and more donated books than ever before, along with the same low prices. Most paperbacks are 50 cents and most hardbacks are $1.00 while some really fine or rare items are priced a little higher. In addition to the books you?’ll find compact discs
and videos.
Operated by volunteers, all profits from the Book Corner are used to enhance the library and its services. Hours of operation are 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday.
Donations to the Book Corner are tax deductible and accepted during store hours. Volunteers are needed to work in the store. If you would like to help, call Pam at 503-518-6278.