Gaffney Lane Neighborhood Association

Christmas Already? Fill a Stocking, Fill a Heart

Sep 25, 2001

Christmas Already?
Fill a Stocking, Fill a Heart is an entirely volunteer effort supported solely by community donations. We help provide a filled holiday stocking to folks facing difficult times this holiday season and we need your help!
Our stockings are filled with needed items such as a new toothbrush, bath soap, and warm hat and gloves. We always include a toy or ?“fun?” item. Since we serve infants to senior citizens, our gifts vary from teething rings to crayons and a coloring book to magnifying glasses, cosmetics and shaving cream. We also accept cash donations, which are tax deductible, and will be used to purchase socks, hats, gloves and hygiene items.
We are looking for groups that may wish to gather gifts for a specific age group. For example, your church, civic organization, school or business may like to fill stockings, or
collect gifts for any age or gender that might appeal to you. Our biggest need is for adult
men, senior citizens and teens.
Please help us meet our goal of 2001 stockings this year. Empty stockings can be picked up around town (including O.C. City Hall at 320 Warner Milne Road) and returned to any one of a dozen businesses located throughout Clackamas County. Stockings will be available after November 6th. Please call 503-632-0577 for a location near you. Volunteer opportunities are also available.

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