Gentry Subdivision Home Owners Association

Rules and Regulations 3/30/07

Rules, Regulations, and Fines

The following Rules and Regulations are supplemental to the Covenants, which are the controlling requirements applicable to all owners of properties in the subdivision.

1 - Collection of assessments
Assessments are established with a reasonable due date, giving owners ample time to prepare. Late payments are assessed a late fee, as determined by the board of directors. In cases of continuing delinquency, the matter may be turned over to our attorney, whose costs and fees are added to the amount due, with lien foreclosure an option. The current fine for late fees is $25/ month which is in additon to the 6% interest penalty from the covenants (section 8).

2 – Conflicts of interest
Any alleged conflicts of interest on the part of board members shall be dealt with as prescribed in the bylaws, with a majority of board members or owners resolving the issue, after appropriate hearings.

3 – Conduct of meetings
Meetings are conducted in an informal manner, using Roberts Rules as a guide. Monthly board meetings are open to owners upon seven days advance notice. Because of limited space and time, any statements by owners must be brief. If more than one owner desires to comment, it may be necessary to schedule a special meeting.

4 – Enforcement of Covenants and Rules
The board is responsible to enforce the Covenants and Rules in a fair and equitable manner, establishing a policy of notification of violations and opportunity for correction before fines or other sanctions are invoked. A schedule of fines is sent to owners with notification of violations. The current fine is $25/week which will continue to accumulate until the issue is resolved. ONCE THE FINE HAS REACHED $100, THE ASSOCIATION MAY ELECT TO PURSUE THE MATTER WITH AN ATTORNEY, IN WHICH CASE ALL COSTS, SUCH AS ATTORNEY FEES AND COURT COSTS, WILL BE ADDED TO THE FINE AND WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PROPERTY OWNER.

5 – Inspection or Copying Records
Association records are posted on the web site and may be inspected by owners. If copies arerequired, they may be obtained by contacting our registered representative, Jack Scheuerman, at the law offices identified on the web site. There may be a charge for this service.

6 – Investment of Reserve
The owners, at the 2/7/2000 annual meeting, unanimously approved the establishment of a $20,000.00 reserve fund. The board has placed funds in a CD and a money market fund for this purpose. When the reserve has reached $20,000.00, the annual budget thereafter will not include any further addition to the fund.

7 – Procedure for addition to or amendment of covenants. Amendments to the covenants requires affirmative vote by 67 percent of owners, per SB100. Rules and regulations are created and amended by affirmative vote of a majority of the board.

Covenant Clarifications

Some Rules have been established by the board to expand or clarify covenant requirements, including:
- All homes in the subdivision are for single family occupancy only, defined as “an individual, two or more persons related by blood, marriage, adoption, or similar legal relationship, or a group of not more than three persons who need not be so related. The definition of ‘family’ shall apply regardless of whether any member of such group receives outside services for mental, emotional, or physical disability. Prohibited activities include leasing or renting by an owner to more than one family, subleasing or renting by a tenant of any part of a residence, operating a day care facility, or selling any tangible or intangible objects which generate traffic within the subdivision.”
- Improperly parked cars, including in the visitor parking areas in cul-de-sacs in violation of posted signs, are subject to towing, at the owners expense.
- SATELLITE DISHES require the approval of the board as to location. While everyone has the right to have a dish, the location must be approved IN ADVANCE.
- PICK UP AFTER YOUR PET: Signs are installed at the entrances to our park reminding dog owners that they are responsible for picking up their pet’s droppings. The majority of our dues go toward maintaining a beautiful park; please don’t make your neighbors step around (or in!) your pet’s mess. Bring a plastic bag or two, like the kind you take your groceries home in or the bag the newspaper comes in; use it to remove your dog’s droppings and dispose of them at home. A fine of $25.00 per occurrence will be imposed for those do not take the time to do this.
- GARAGE DOORS MUST BE KEPT CLOSED except when entering or exiting the garage.
- TRASH CONTAINERS must be kept inside your garage except on trash collection days. Remember to place your trash in front of your house, not your neighbor’s.
- Every lawn must be in a well-maintained and landscaped condition, to include filling in bare areas with new grass, landscaping, rocks, or drought-resistant plants and eliminating weeds by spraying turf areas with a broadleaf weed killer and pulling them from flowerbeds. Do not forget to also spray or pull weeds that come up in gaps in concrete, such as your sidewalk, driveway, and curb. Remember that weeds in your lawn can and do spread to your neighbors’ yards, so please be respectful of your neighbors and keep your property weed-free all year.
- REQUESTS FOR APPROVAL of Covenant issues, such as satellite dishes, repainting and landscaping must be submitted in advance for Board approval. Paint samples, landscape plans and so forth may be brought to the Association president’s home or mailed to the Gentry HOA, P. O. Box 60071, Colorado Springs, CO 80960. The Covenants allow us 30 days to approve these requests; we try to provide residents with a shorter turn-around time, but please be considerate of our time and submit your requests well in advance of when you plan on making the proposed changes.

Posted by cogeow on 03/30/2007
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