Garbage is picked up on a Tuesday/Friday schedule. Place garbage at the collection point as early as 6 p.m. the day before collection or no later than 7 a.m. on collection day. If you use a roll cart, it must be placed back behind the building line by 8 a.m. the day following garbage pickup. Do not put corrugated cardboard, brush, leaves, yard debris, or building material into a roll cart.
Recycling collection is provided once a week on Friday, and should be placed with your regular garbage by 7 a.m. Use blue plastic bags, available at most retail stores, for the following: glass; plastic with codes 1, 2, or 3 (no lids); aluminum; steel/tin food cans; and aerosol cans. Items should be empty and rinsed out. In a brown paper bag, you may include newspapers and inserts that are clean, dry and non-yellowed; mixed paper; magazines; junk mail; and non-waxed food boxes. Beverage carriers and corrugated cardboard are not accepted.
Brush/bulky trash (such as large tree limbs, bagged leaves, furniture, mattresses) is collected once a month during our neighborhood’s designated week, which is the fourth week. (The first Monday of the month determines the week of the month.) Trash must be placed outside by 7 a.m. on Monday of the week, but no earlier than the Thursday prior to the fourth week.
Dallas residents can bring waste to McCommas Bluff Landfill (5100 Youngblood Rd., 214/670-0989) or one of the transfer stations. The nearest to our neighborhood is Northwest (9500 Harry Hines Blvd., 214/670-6161) A current Texas driver’s license and a utility bill stub are required to prove residency. Vehicle must be a car, truck, van or trailer less than 15 feet in length.
Collection events, held throughout Dallas County, will accept your chemicals.
Call 214/904-3017 for the date of the next collection event. Waste can also be dropped off at the Home Chemical Collection Center. Call 214/630-9160 for directions.
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