Glendora Emergency Response Communications

Workshop Notes 9/21/04

Equipment Choices for Emergency Communication

Source: ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Course, Level 1

There is no one "best" set of equipment that will ensure success for every assignment, but the principles outlined in this Learning Unit will help you make intelligent choices.

The most universal choice for emcomm is a dual band FM 35-50 watt mobile transceiver. Radios in this class are usually rugged and reliable, and can operate at reasonably high duty cycles, although an external cooling fan is always a good idea. Handheld transceivers should be used only when extreme portability is needed, such as when "shadowing" an official, or when adequate battery or other DC power is not available. Handheld radios should not be relied upon to operate with a high duty-cycle at maximum power, since they can overheat and fail.
Both portable and mobile dual-band radios can be used to monitor more than one net, and some models allow simultaneous reception on more than one frequency on the same band (Sometimes known as "dual watch" capability). Some mobiles have separate external speaker outputs for each band. For high traffic locations, such as a Net Control or Emergency Operations Center, a separate radio for each net is a better choice since it allows both to be used simultaneously by different operators. (Antennas must be adequately separated to avoid "de-sensing.")
Many dual-band transceivers also offer a "cross-band repeater" function, useful for linking local portables with distant repeaters, or as a quickly deployable hill-top repeater. True repeater operation is only possible if all other mobile and portable stations have true dual-band radios. Some so-called "dual" or "twin" band radios do not allow simultaneous or cross-band operation -- read the specifications carefully before you purchase one.

Operation from a generator equipped Emergency Operations Center can be done with an AC powered radio, but having both AC and DC capability ensures the ability to operate under all conditions. Most 12 Volt HF radios fall in either the 100 watt or QRP (less than 5 watts) categories. Unless power consumption is extremely important, 100 watt variable output radios should be used. This gives you the ability to overcome noise at the receiving station by using high power, or to turn it down to conserve battery power when necessary.
Do not use DC to AC inverters to power HF radios. Most use a high-frequency conversion process that generates significant broad-spectrum RF noise at HF frequencies that is difficult to suppress. Direct DC powering is more efficient in any case.

Radio Receiver Performance:
For radios on all bands, several aspects of a radio receiver's performance can affect its suitability for emcomm. These include sensitivity (ability to receive weak signals), selectivity (ability to reject signals on adjacent frequencies), and intermodulation rejection (ability to prevent undesired signals from mixing within the receiver and causing interference). If you are inexperienced at comparing radio specifications, be sure to ask for guidance from another, more experienced, ham. An in-depth discussion of radio performance specifications is beyond the scope of this course.
When operating near public service and business radio transmitters, a FM receiver's "intermodulation rejection" is important. Mobile radios generally have better intermodulation rejection than handheld radios, but you should review each individual radio's specifications. External intermodulation (bandpass) filters are available, but they add to the expense, complexity, size, and weight of the equipment. Bandpass filters will also prevent you from using a broadband radio to monitor public service frequencies. Some older "ham bands only" FM mobile radios have better front-end filtering than newer radios with broadband receive capability, making them more immune to intermodulation and adjacent channel interference.
Receiver filters are important for effective HF operation. Choose appropriate filters for the types of operations you are most likely to use, including CW, RTTY, and phone.
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) may be the single most important filtering feature available. Internal or external DSP circuits can allow clear reception of signals that might not otherwise be possible in situations with heavy interference.
"Noise blankers" are used to reduce impulse noise from arcing power lines, vehicle and generator ignition systems, and various other sources. While most all HF radios have some form of noise blanker, some work better than others. Test your radio in suitably noisy environments before designating it for emcomm use.

A good antenna, mounted as high as possible, is more important than high transmitter power. Not only does it provide gain to both the transmitter and receiver, but a higher gain antenna may also allow output power to be reduced, thus prolonging battery life. In relatively flat terrain, use a mast-mounted single or dual-band antenna with at least 3dBd gain. If you are operating in a valley, the low angle of radiation offered by a gain antenna may actually make it difficult to get a signal out of the valley. Low or "unity" gain antennas have "fatter" radiation lobes and are better suited for this purpose. Unity gain J-poles are rugged, inexpensive and easily built. For directional 2m coverage with about 7 dB gain, a three or four element yagi can be used. Collapsible and compact antennas of this type are readily available. For permanent base station installations, consider a more rugged commercial 2-way colinear antenna, such as the well-known "Stationmaster" series. Most 2m versions will also perform well on 70cm. Commercial open dipole array antennas will work well for a single band, and are more rugged than a fiberglass radome encased colinear antenna.
A magnetic mount mobile antenna is useful for operating in someone else's vehicle. They can also be used indoors by sticking them to any steel surface, such as filing cabinets, beams, or ductwork, even up-side down.
Hand-held radio antennas, known as "rubber duckies," have negative gain. Use at least a ¼ wave flexible antenna for most operations, and consider a telescoping 5/8 wave antenna for long-range use in open areas where the extra length and lack of flexibility will not be a problem. "Roll-up J-pole" antennas made from 300 ohm television twin-lead wire can be tacked up on a wall or hoisted into a tree with heavy-duty string. In addition to unity gain, the extra height can make a big difference. Even a mobile ½ wave magnetic mount antenna can be used with hand-helds when necessary.

There is no single perfect antenna for HF operation. Your choice depends on the size and terrain of the area you need to cover, and the conditions under which you must install and use it.
For local operations (up to a few hundred miles), a simple dipole hung at a less than ¼ wavelength above the ground works well and is easy to deploy. This is known as a "Near Vertical Incidence Skywave" (NVIS) antenna. The signal is reflected almost straight up, then bounces off the ionosphere directly back downward. NVIS propagation works best on 40 meters during the day, switching to 80 meters around sunset.
An antenna tuner is necessary for most portable wire antennas, (especially for NVIS antennas), and is a good idea for any HF antenna. The antenna's impedance will vary with its height above ground and proximity to nearby objects, which can be a real problem with expedient installations. An automatic tuner is desirable, since it is faster and easier to use, and many modern radios have one built in. Include a ground rod, clamps and cable in your kit since almost all radios and tuners require a proper ground in order to work efficiently.
For communication beyond 200 miles, a commercial trapped vertical may work, although it has no ability to reject interfering signals. Mobile whip antennas will also work, but with greatly reduced efficiency. The benefits of a mobile antenna are its size and durability.
Directional (beam) antennas offer the best performance for very wide area nets on 10 to 20 meters, since they maximize desired signals and reduce interference from stations in other directions. This ability may be critical in poor conditions. Beam antennas also have a number of limitations that should be considered. They are usually expensive, large, and difficult to store and transport. In field installations, they can be difficult to erect at the optimum height, and may not survive storm conditions. One strategy is to rely on easily installed and repaired wire dipole antennas until conditions allow the safe installation of beam antennas.
Feedline used at VHF and UHF should be low-loss foam dielectric coaxial cable. For short runs, RG-58 may be suitable, but for longer runs consider RG-8X or RG-213. RG-8X is an "in-between" size that offers less loss and greater power handling capability than RG-58 with far less bulk than RG-213. If you with to carry only one type of cable, RG-8X is the best choice.
On HF, the choice between coaxial cable and commercial (insulated -- not open wire) "ladder" line will depend on your situation. Ladder line offers somewhat lower loss but more care must be taken in it's routing, especially in proximity to metal objects, or where people might touch it. Coaxial cable is much less susceptible to problems induced by routing near metal objects or other cables.
Operating Accessories
Headphones are useful anywhere, and are mandatory in many locations. Operators in an Emergency Operations Center or a Command Post where multiple radios are in use must use headsets. They are also beneficial in locations such as Red Cross shelters, to prevent disturbing residents and other volunteers trying to get some rest.
Some radios and accessory headsets provide a VOX (voice operated transmit) capability. During emcomm operations this should always be turned off and manual "push-to-talk" buttons used instead. Accidental transmissions caused by background noise and conversations can interrupt critical communications on the net.
As an alternative to VOX, consider using a desk or boom microphone and foot switch to key the transmitter. A microphone/headset combination and foot switch also works well.
Battery power is critical for emcomm operations. AC power cannot usually be relied upon for any purpose, and portable operation for extended periods is common.
Batteries must be chosen to match the maximum load of the equipment, and the length of time that operation must continue before they can be recharged.

NiCd, NiMH, and LIon:
For handheld transceivers, the internal battery type is determined by the manufacturer. NiMH batteries store somewhat more energy than NiCd batteries for their size. Many smaller radios are using Lithium Ion (LIon) batteries, which have much higher power densities, without the so-called "memory effect" of NiCds. Many handhelds have optional AA alkaline battery cases, and are recommended emcomm accessories. Common alkaline batteries have a somewhat higher power density than NiCd batteries, are readily available in most stores, and may be all you have if you cannot recharge your other batteries. Most handheld radios will accept an external 13.8VDC power connection for cigarette lighter or external battery use. External batteries of any type can be used with a handheld, as long as the voltage and polarity are observed. Small gel cells and some battery packs intended for power tools and camcorders are all possibilities. For maximum flexibility, build a DC power cable for each of your radios, with suitable adapters for each battery type you might use.
Lead Acid:
There are three common types of lead-acid batteries: flooded (wet), VRLA (Valve Regulated Lead Acid), and SLA (Sealed Lead-Acid). Wet batteries can spill if tipped, but VRLA batteries use a gelled electrolyte or absorbtive fiberglass matt (AGM technology) and cannot spill. SLA batteries are similar to VRLA batteries, but can be operated in any position -- even up-side down. All lead-acid batteries are quite heavy.
Lead acid batteries are designed for a variety of applications. "Deep-cycle" batteries are a better choice than common automotive (cranking) batteries, which are not designed to provide consistent power for prolonged periods, and will be damaged if allowed to drop below approximately 80% of their rated voltage. Deep cycle batteries are designed for specific applications and vary slightly in performance characteristics. For radio operation, the best choice would be one specified for UPS (uninterruptible power source) or recreational vehicle (RV) use. For lighting and other needs, a marine type battery works well. For best results, consult the manufacturer before making a purchase.
Sealed lead acid (SLA) or "gel cells," such as those used in alarm or emergency lighting systems, are available in smaller sizes that are somewhat lighter. These batteries are also the ones sold in a variety of portable power kits for Amateur Radio and consumer use. Typical small sizes are 2, 4, and 7Ah, but many sizes of up to more than 100Ah are available. SLA batteries should never be deeply discharged. For example, a 12 volt SLA battery will be damaged if allowed to drop below 10.5 volts. Excessive heat can damage SLA batteries. Storage and operaing temperatures in excess of 75 degrees F. will reduce the battery's life by half. Your car's trunk is not a good place to store them in warm weather. Cooler temperatures will extend the battery's life.

Battery "Power Budgeting":
The number of ampere/hours (AH -- a rating of battery capacity) required, called a "power budget," can be roughly estimated by multiplying the radio's receive current by the number of hours of operation, and then adding the product of the transmit current multiplied by the estimated number of hours of transmission. For a busy net control station, the transmit current will be the determining factor because of the high duty cycle. For low activity stations, the receiver current will dominate. The value obtained from this calculation is only a rough estimate of the ampere/hours required. The AH rating of the actual battery should be up to 50% higher, due to variations in battery capacity and age.
Estimated 24-hour power budget example
Receive current: 1 amp x 24 hours = 24 AH
Transmit current: 8 amps x 6 hours = 48 AH (25% transmit duty cycle)
Total AH: 72 AH estimated actual consumption
Actual battery choice 72 x 1.5 = 108 AH
Chargers, Generators and Solar Power
Battery Chargers:

You should have two or more batteries so that one can be charging while another is in use.
NiCd and NiMH batteries:
The type of charger required depends on the battery -- for instance, most NiCd chargers will also charge NiMH, but not LIon batteries. Several aftermarket "universal" chargers are available that can charge almost any battery available. A rapid-rate charger can ensure that you always have a fresh battery without waiting, although rapid charging can shorten a battery's overall lifespan.
Lead-acid batteries:
Always consult the battery's manufacturer for precise charging and maintenance instructions, as they can vary somewhat from battery to battery. It is best to slow-charge all batteries, since this helps avoid over-heating and extends their over-all life span. In general, automotive and deep cycle batteries can be charged with an automobile and jumper cables, an automotive battery charger, or any constant-voltage source. If a proper battery charger is not available, any DC power supply of suitable voltage can be used, but a heavy-duty isolation diode must be connected between the power supply and the battery. (This is important, since some power supplies have a "crowbar" overvoltage circuit, which short-circuits the output if the voltage exceeds a certain limit. If a battery is connected, the crowbar could "short-circuit" the battery with disastrous results.) The output voltage of the supply must be increased to compensate for the diode's voltage drop. Take a measurement at the battery to be sure. Wet batteries should be charged at about 14.5 volts, and VRLA batteries at about 14.0 volts. The charging current should not exceed 20% of the battery's capacity. For example, a 20-amp charger is the largest that should be used for a battery rated at approximately 100 Ah. Consult the battery's manufacturer for the optimum charging voltage and current whenever possible.
Deep cycle batteries do not normally require special charging procedures. However, manufacturers do recommend that you use a charger designed specifically for deep cycle batteries to get the best results and ensure long life.
SLA or "gel- cell" batteries must be charged slowly and carefully to avoid damage. All batteries produce hydrogen sulfide gas while recharging. Non-sealed batteries vent it out. SLA batteries do what is called "gas recombination." This means that the gas generated is "recombined" into the cells. SLA batteries actually operate under pressure, about 3 p.s.i. for most. If the battery is charged too quickly, the battery generates gas faster then it can recombine it and the battery over-pressurizes. This causes it to overheat, swell up, and vent, and can be dangerous and will permanently damage the battery.
The charging voltage must be kept between 13.8 and 14.5 volts. The time it takes for a SLA battery to recharge completely will depend on the amount of charge remaining in the battery. If the battery is only 25% discharged then it may recharge in a few hours. If the battery is discharged 50% or more, 18-24 hours may be required. A good rule of thumb is to keep the charging current level to no more than 1/3 its rated capacity. For example, if you have a 7Ah battery, you should charge it at no more than 2 amps.
Solar panels and charge controllers are readily available at increasingly lower costs. These provide yet another option for powering equipment in the field when weather and site conditions permit their use. When choosing solar equipment, consult with the vendor regarding the required size of panels and controller for your specific application.
DC to AC inverters. While direct DC power is more efficient and should be used whenever possible, inverters can be used for equipment that cannot be directly powered with 12VDC.
Not all inverters are suitable for use with radios, computers, or certain types of battery chargers. The best inverters are those with a "true sine-wave" output. Inverters with a "modified sine-wave" output may not operate certain small battery chargers, and other waveform-sensitive equipment. In addition, all "hi-frequency conversion" inverters generate significant RF noise if they are not filtered, both radiated and on the AC output. Test your inverter with your radios, power supplies, and accessories (even those operating nearby on DC) and at varying loads before relying upon it for emcomm use. Effective filtering for VHF and UHF can be added rather simply (using capacitors on the DC input, and ferrite donuts on the AC output), but reducing HF noise is far more difficult. Inverters should be grounded when in operation, both for safety and to reduce radiated RF noise.
As a "quieter" alternative to an inverter, consider a mid-sized 12V computer UPS (uniterruptible power source). Smaller, square-wave UPS units are not designed for continuous duty applications, but larger true sine-wave units are. Most true sine-wave units use internal batteries, but with minor modifications can be used with external batteries. The larger commercial UPS units run on 24 or 48 volts, and require two or four external batteries in series. UPS units will have a limit on the number of depleted batteries they can re-charge, but there is no limit to the number of batteries that can be attached to extend operating time.
Generators are usually required at command posts and shelters, for lighting, food preparation, and other equipment. Radio equipment can be operated from the same or a separate generator, but be sure that multiple generators are bonded with a common ground system for safety. Not all generators have adequate voltage regulation, and shared generators can have widely varying loads to contend with. You should perform a test for regulation using a high-current power tool or similar rugged device before connecting sensitive equipment. A voltmeter should be part of your equipment any time auxiliary power sources are used.
Noise levels can be a concern with generators. Some are excessively noisy and can make radio operations difficult and increase fatigue. A noisy generator at a shelter can make it difficult for occupants to rest, and can result in increased levels of stress for already stressed people. Unfortunately, quieter generators also tend to be considerably more expensive. Consider other options such as placing the generator at a greater distance and using heavier power cables to compensate. Placing a generator far from a building can also prevent fumes from entering the building and causing carbon monoxide poisoning, an all-too-common problem with emergency generators.
Several other devices may be helpful when dealing with generators or unstable AC power sources. High quality surge suppressors, line voltage regulators, and power conditioners may help protect your equipment from defective generators. Variable voltage transformers ("Variacs" ") can be useful to compensate for varying power conditions.
Power Connectors and Cables
There will be times you need to connect your equipment to someone else's power supply or battery. In these cases it is very helpful if everyone uses a standard power connector.
For a number of years, ARRL publications have suggested the use of the 12 amp Molex 1545 series connector (part numbers: male, 03-09-2022; female, 03-09-1022), also available from Radio Shack. While this connector is adequate for low power mobile radios, hand-helds, and accessories, it can overheat and fail when used with high power equipment and heavy duty cycles. An increasing number of groups have adopted the 30 amp Anderson Powerpole connector instead. Not only can the PowerPole handle much greater current, it is also capable of being plugged and unplugged many hundreds of times (operations) without deterioration.

It is important to find out which connector is being used in your area. Just to be sure, always check the voltage and polarity of a power source before you plug your equipment in, since polarity conventions are not always followed.
All power cables should be properly fused in both the positive and negative leads. Fusing the negative leads helps to protect equipment from ground-fault currents.
When operating in a unfamiliar vehicle, you may need to use a "cigarette lighter plug" or "power point." Many of these receptacles are not able to deliver adequate current for mobile FM or HF radios operating at high power. Depending on the vehicle, the limit will be between 8 and 10 amperes. For this reason, it is important to know how much current your radio draws at different output power settings. A direct connection to the vehicle battery is almost always a better choice when feasible. This can be accomplished in most cases using a 15' power cable of adequate diameter, large battery clamps, and electrical tape to hold them in place on the battery terminals.
Equipment for Other Modes
If you plan to operate one of the digital modes (packet, APRS, AMTOR, PSK31, etc), then you will also need a computer and probably a TNC or computer sound card interface. Some newer radios have built-in TNC's. Be sure to identify all the accessories, including software and cables, needed for each mode. Include the power required to operate all of the radios and accessories when you are choosing your batteries and power supply. The internal battery in your laptop computer will probably not last long enough for you to complete your shift. Be prepared with an external DC power supply and cable, or a DC to AC inverter. If you need hard copy, then you will also need a printer, most of which are AC powered.
Scanners and Other Useful Equipment
In addition to your Amateur Radio equipment, you may find a few other items useful.
· Multi-band scanning radio (to monitor public service and media channels)
· FRS, GMRS or MURS hand-helds (more about these in LU 19)
· Cellular telephone (even an unregistered phone can be used to call 911)
· Portable cassette tape recorder with VOX (for logging, recording important events)
· AM/FM radio (to monitor media reports)
· Portable television (to monitor media reports)
· Weather Alert radio with "SAME" feature (to provide specific alerts without having to monitor the channel continuously)
· Laptop computer with logging or emcomm-specific packet software
Testing The Complete Station
After making your equipment selection (or beforehand if possible), field test it under simulated disaster conditions. This is the fundamental purpose of the annual ARRL Field Day exercise in June, but any time will do. Operations such as Field Day can add the element of multiple, simultaneous operations on several bands and modes. Try to test all elements of your system together, from power sources to antennas, and try as many variations as possible. For instance, use the generator, then switch to batteries. Try charging batteries from the solar panels and the generator. Use the NVIS antenna while operating from batteries and then generator. This procedure will help reveal any interactions or interference between equipment and allow you to deal with them now - before proper operation becomes a matter of life and death.
Reference links:
Deep cycle battery tips
Anderson PowerPole connectors
Molex 1545 Series connector data
All equipment chosen should be flexible and easy to use, rugged, and capable of being battery powered either directly or with a DC to AC inverter. Antennas should be compact, rugged, and easily erected. Directional or omni-directional gain antennas for VHF and UHF are essential in many locations, and the higher they are mounted, the better. Battery power is essential, as is a means of charging batteries. Testing equipment under field conditions before assigning it to emcomm uses ensures fewer surprises in an actual deployment. All equipment should be tested periodically for proper operation, and inpected for damage or deterioration.



1. In considering power sources for HF radios, which of the following is true?

A. DC to AC inverters can be used to power HF radios.
B. Standard automotive batteries last longer than deep cycle batteries.
C. AC powered HF radios are suitable for all emcomm use
D. Whenever possible, use deep cycle batteries to power HF radios.


2. In considering antennas for VHF/UHF radios, which is the best rule?

A. High transmitter power is more important than having a good antenna.
B. Transmitter power and antenna selection are equally important.
C. A good antenna is more important than high transmitter power.
D. If properly used, "rubber ducky" antennas can compensate for low transmitter power.


3. Beam antennas have many advantages. Which of the following is the best reason for selecting a beam antenna?

A. They are inexpensive and easy to transport.
B. They are easy to erect and very stable in storm conditions.
C. They are compact and easy to store.
D. They maximize desired signals and reduce interference from other stations.


4. Which of the following statements about battery charging is true?

A. The optimum charging voltage for lead acid batteries should be about two volts less than the battery's rated voltage.
B. The optimum charging voltage for 12-volt lead acid batteries should be about two volts more than the battery's rated voltage.
C. SLA or "gel cell" are ordinarily recharged very rapidly.
D. Deep cycle batteries require only a short time to recharge fully.


5. In comparing the 30 amp Anderson power pole connector with the 10 amp Molex connector, which of the following statements is true?

A. The Molex is better for high power applications.
B. The Molex is better for heavy duty cycles.
C. The Anderson handles only low power applications.
D. The Anderson is capable of being plugged and unplugged a greater number of times without deterioration.

Follow-up Activity:

Evaluate the equipment you now own to see if it is suitable for emcomm operation. Make a list of equipment you already own, and a second list of the items you will need to complete a basic emcomm package appropriate to your needs.

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