Glendora Emergency Response Communications

Why Learn about the Medical Reserve Corps?

To: GERC hams and friends of emergency preparedness,




       At our October, 19, 2010 GERC meeting we will have a guest speaker from the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Los Angeles Unit. Frank, KG6TQV attended an MRC seminar in July and was so impressed by the organization that he joined and took the training to become a volunteer. It turns out that non-medical volunteers are needed to serve in this organization, which is sponsored by the Office of the U.S. Surgeon General.   Frank said that ham operators are needed.  See for details.  While our  first priority is to provide emergency radio communications for the Glendora Stake, I can see that becoming a MRC volunteer would be a worthwhile service too. Along with amateur radio skill building activities GERC will continue to expose hams to various emergency preparedness learning opportunities as well.


I hope you will attend this informative meeting on Tuesday, October 19th at 7 pm at the Stake center, 2121 E. Rte. 66 in Glendora. Visitors are welcome!

Contact Frank, KG6TQV at for information.



Mark, N7YLA



Posted by clouds on 08/25/2010
Last updated on 08/27/2010
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