GENA?’s Speaker Goal for the first half of 2001as suggested by its President
The successful operation of a business is an ongoing trial.
Finding qualified help is one problem. Finding profits in a competitive environment to pay
employee payroll taxes, insurance benefits and income taxes is another. This is not to
overlook keeping abreast of new tax laws and regulations.
I propose we attempt to educate ourselves on the problems of Englewood businesses.
By educating ourselves we can better deal with the interface between a business section
and a residential section of our community.
What friction do we presently have with businesses? Shown below are a few examples.
One is when the business conflicts with the established morals of the community
(liquor stores, tattoo parlors and topless dance shows, etc.).
Parking overflow onto residential streets.
Lack of stores of the nature wanted or needed by the citizens.
Deterioration of stores fronts and facilities.
Patrons who leave litter and trash in the area when departing the store.
By knowing the problems of a business perhaps we can help to alleviate the above.
Knowledge will help bring to Englewood citizens, the type of business they need and
We will request speakers from Business Owners and Government to provide us with
Have the speakers address business problems and solutions.
Ask for the input of GENA members who are or who have been business owners.
We will reach out to Englewood businesses by providing our knowledge of
information available through City services and grants.
Provide brochures and tracts.
Encourage the location of businesses to Englewood.
Encourage businesses to participate in local clean ups and sponsorship of GENA
Provide suggestions to business that may attract Englewood citizens as customers.
By doing the above, GENA can advance its goals, which is the upgrade, beautification
and crime prevention in Englewood.