Greater Toluca Lake Neighborhood Council



Adopted as Revised August 2002


Section 101. Name. The name of this organization is THE GREATER TOLUCA LAKE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL and is hereafter referred to as the "Council".

Section 102. Purpose. The purposes of the Council are (1) to provide a means for neighborhood stakeholders to express their collective will to municipal decision-makers with regard to issues involving the community; (2) to provide an effective means of contact with municipal departments providing services to the neighborhood; and (3) to provide neighborhood consultation and input regarding planning, zoning, and budgeting priorities.

Section 103. Boundaries. The area of the Council shall be comprised of:
North: Camarillo St. (between the 170 Freeway and Vineland Ave. then south on Vineland); Riverside Dr. (between Vineland Ave. and Denny Ave. then north on Denny); Camarillo St. (between Denny Ave. and Cahuenga Blvd. then north on Cahuenga); Margate St. (between Cahuenga Blvd. and the City limit).
South: Los Angeles River (between Lankershim Blvd. and the City limit).
East: City Limit between the Los Angeles River and Margate St.
West: Lankershim Blvd. (between the Los Angeles River and Whipple St.); Whipple St. (between Lankershim Blvd. and Vineland Ave. and including the Weddington Park South and the Rio Vista Elementary School); Vineland Ave. (between Whipple St. and the 170 Freeway) and the 170 Freeway (between Vineland Ave. and Camarillo St.).
Shared Jurisdiction: Wedding Park South and Rio Vista Elementary School are under the shard jurisdiction of the Studio City Neighborhood Council and the GTLNC. A map of said boundaries is attached hereto.

Section 104. Stakeholders. The Council shall be diverse, inclusive, and open to all community stakeholders. A community stakeholder is anyone who lives, works or owns property within the boundaries of the council.

Section 105. Compliance with Law. All meetings of the Council shall be conducted in such a manner as to comply with all applicable laws, including the Brown Act.


Section 201. Annual Election. Commencing with the year 2003 the annual election of the Governing Board Members will be held on the first (1st) Thursday in December, unless otherwise noticed, of each year and at such time and place within the Council area as the Governing Board may designate. In order to cast a vote at such election a person must be at least 18 years of age and first provide adequate documentation or other information as reasonably required by the Council of their status as a stakeholder entitled to vote. No business shall be conducted in conjunction with the Annual Election.

Section 202. Notification. To the greatest extent possible and in the interest of achieving the widest participation of stakeholders, they will be notified of the annual meeting at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting date the Annual Election will be publicized by posting notices at public facilities in the area and informing local media and officials at the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting date. Election notices will be posted at those locations described in the public notice location log as submitted to the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment. A list of the Nominating Committee Nominees will be available at least ten (10) days prior to the election.

Section 203. Elections Committee. At least sixty (60) days prior to an annual election, the Council President will nominate and the Governing Board ratifies by majority vote an Elections Committee of not fewer than three stakeholders who are not candidates for the upcoming Governing Board election. Prior to the annual election, it will be the duty of the Elections Committee to call for and receive nominations of candidates for vacant Governing Board seats. The Elections Committee will monitor the selection process at the annual election and be responsible for tabulating results and certifying winners. No nominations shall be effective unless the proposed nominee has signed a written statement accepting the nomination and confirming a willingness to faithfully serve for the full term of office.

Section 204. Election Procedure at the Annual Election. After the names of previously nominated candidates have been placed before the stakeholders, the President will call for nominations from the floor. All candidates for Governing Board membership must be qualified neighborhood stakeholders eighteen (18) years or older at the time of election. The vote will be taken and results tallied and announced. All elections will be determined by plurality of vote, and will be by written ballot. No stakeholder will have more than one vote. No stakeholder may vote by proxy.


Section 300. Initial Election Committee and Initial Election Procedures. Nominations to the Board shall be open to all stakeholders. Within thirty (30) days after the certification of the Council by the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners, the Council Formation Committee shall appoint an Initial Elections Committee consisting of not less than five (5) Stakeholders. The Initial Elections Committee shall establish a reasonable time and date of certification, location and procedures (incorporating those set forth in these Bylaws) for the election of the Governing Board to be conducted at the first annual election of the Council in the year 2002. Additionally, the Initial Elections Committee shall oversee the election process to verify it is being conducted as prescribed by these Bylaws and legal requirements and shall assure the right of any stakeholder to place in nomination from the floor for election to the Governing Board, the name of any stakeholder meeting the qualifications set forth in Section 401. The Initial Elections Committee shall at the Initial Elections nominate a slate of Stakeholders to the twenty-five (25) governing board seats. The slate of stakeholders may include, in addition to members of the Council Formation Committee, the members of the Initial Elections Committee. In addition thereto nominations duly made by any stakeholder shall be received and presented for vote at the time of elections. No nominations shall be effective unless the proposed nominee has signed a written statement accepting the nomination and confirming a willingness to faithfully serve for the full term of office. Ballots cast will be immediately counted and the results reported. Upon completion of the election, by lot 8 members of the governing board shall be selected to serve a one-year term, 8 members for a two-year term and 9 members for a three-year term. The Initial Governing Board members shall then immediately assume their offices and serve for their respective terms of office or until their successors are elected which ever is last to occur. Upon reporting and declaring by the Initial Elections Committee that the results of the vote are valid and certified the Council Formation Committee along with the Initial Elections Committee shall be deemed dissolved.


Section 401. Governing Board Composition. The Governing Board will consist of twenty-five (25) members. All Governing Board members will be stakeholders of the Council as defined in Article I, Section 104 and shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age. Governing Board members must be stakeholders during their entire term of office.

Section 402. Terms of Office. Regular terms of office for Governing Board members will be for a period of three (3) years commencing January 1, and ending December 31. No person having served five (5) full years in two consecutive terms shall be eligible for reelection in the immediately succeeding third term.

Section 403. Annual Organizational Meeting. Immediately following the certification of the results of the election of the Governing Board, an Annual Organizational Meeting of the Governing Board shall be held for the sole purpose of electing officers of the Governing Board. Such meeting shall be open to attendance by the public. At such meeting the members of the Governing Board shall elect their officers by voice vote, who shall immediately assume their respective offices and serve for a one-year term or until their successors are elected, whichever is last to occur. The annual organizational meeting shall be held in accordance with the Brown Act.

Section 404. Regular and Special Meetings. Regular Meetings of the Council will be held within the Council area on a regular basis, at least once per calendar quarter, at the time and place fixed by resolution of the Governing Board. Notice of all meetings of the Council will be given in such manner as the Governing Board may prescribe. All meetings, regular or otherwise, shall be conducted in such a manner as to comply with all laws, including the Brown Act. Public comment periods will be provided at all regular meetings of the Council where the public may comment on any specific agenda items or on any other matters. The Governing Board will determine the format and amount of time allowed for the public comment period. The President, or in his/her absence, the Vice President, may call a special meeting of the Council at any time. At least two-thirds of Governing Board members must give consent for special meetings to be held. Unless the Governing Board prescribes otherwise, the President, or in his/her absence the Vice-President, will fix the time and place of special meetings. Special meetings must be publicly noticed at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. All Governing Board members must receive written notice of special meetings at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Notices of all meetings shall be given in accordance with the Brown Act.

Section 405. Notification. To the greatest extent possible, all meetings of the Governing Board are to be adequately publicized including notification to area media. Notices will be posted at no less than five (5) sites as described in the most recently filed public notice location log. In addition, the Governing Board will, at least once each calendar quarter, report to stakeholders. All such notification shall comply with these By-Laws and the Brown Act.

Section 406. Quorum and Majority. A simple majority of the Governing Board members (50% plus one (1) of the total number of currently occupied Board seats) will constitute a quorum. Unless otherwise provided in these Bylaws or the Brown Act resolutions before the Board for passage shall require the vote of a simple majority of the Governing Board members present. A quorum shall be required for the transaction of business at any meeting thereof. If less than a quorum is present the presiding officer may adjourn from time to time until a quorum is in attendance. Written notice of this adjournment need not be given the Governing Board members.

Section 407. Voting by Proxy. Voting by proxy is not allowed at meetings of the Governing Board.

Section 408. Committees. The Governing Board may establish standing and ad hoc committees as deemed necessary for the accomplishment of the purposes of the Council as described in Article I, Section 102 of the By-laws.

Section 409. Stakeholder Communications. The Governing Board shall establish procedures for communicating with stakeholders on a regular basis in a manner that ensures that information is disseminated throughout and in a timely manner.

Section 410. Vacancies. Any vacancy on the Governing Board shall be filled by a vote of a majority of the Governing Board. Members. Those so elected will assume office immediately and will hold office for the remainder of the vacant term.


Section 501. Officers. The Executive Officers of the Council will be a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, all of whom will be elected by the Governing Board and from their number. Officers serve at the pleasure of the Governing Board and unless sooner removed as an officer by a majority vote of the Governing Board, officers elected at the first meeting of the Governing Board will hold office until the election and qualification of their respective successors at the next Annual Organizational Meeting of the Governing Board.

Section 502. President. The President will preside at all meetings of the Council. The President will also perform such other duties as may be directed by resolution of the Council.

Section 503. Vice President. The Vice President will have and exercise all the powers, authority, and duties of the President during the absence of the latter. The Vice President will also perform such other duties as assigned by the President or Council.

Section 504. Secretary. The Secretary will prepare and maintain full and correct records of all meetings of the members and of the Council, which records will be prepared within 10 days after the meetings. The Secretary will give or cause to be given, in the manner prescribed in these By-laws, proper notice of all meetings of the Council and shall perform such other duties as may be directed by resolution of the Council.

Section 505. Treasurer. The Treasurer, under the control and direction of the Council, will establish an accounting system which complies with generally accepted accounting principles and provide and maintain full and complete records of all the assets and liabilities of the Council. Subject to limitations and control as may be imposed by the Governing Board, the Treasurer will have custody of all funds, valuable papers, and other assets of the Council. The Treasurer will collect all Council revenues and issue a receipt therefor. The Treasurer will open and maintain a separate bank account for each type of appropriated fund or grant received from the city through the Mayor and/or City Council. Each type of fund or grant will be duly accounted for under separate ledgers.

The disbursement of funds will require the signatures of the Treasurer and such other officers as the Governing Board may designate. The Council's financial records and account books will be open and available for inspection by stakeholders and the general public. At the annual meeting, the Treasurer will report to the Stakeholders on the Council's finances. In addition, the Treasurer will submit accounting statements to the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment no less than once and no more than twice during each fiscal year(s), the dates of which will be prescribed by DONE.

Section 506. Cooperation with Other Entities. The Council has an inherent interest in many issues, which transcend its boundaries. Therefore, the Governing Board may participate in wider-ranging political processes and enter into agreements with other neighborhood council organizations, which may include the selection of delegates chosen from among stakeholders for the purpose of representing the Council on regional and citywide organizations and issues groups.


Section 601. Compliance with Law and Regulations. The Council will comply with all applicable sections of the City of Los Angeles Governmental Ethics Ordinances and of the Ralph M. Brown Act, local and federal laws as well as all other rules and regulations for the conduct of Neighborhood Councils as promulgated by the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment.

Section 602. Parliamentary Authority. Roberts Rules of Order, Revised shall be the parliamentary authority at meetings of the Council, to the extent the Brown Act is silent.

Section 603. Stakeholder Communication Procedures. The Governing Board shall establish reasonable procedures for communication with Neighborhood Council Stakeholders on a regular basis and in a manner ensuring that information is disseminated evenly and in a timely manner.


Section 701. Any stakeholder may petition the Governing Board to reconsider any matter on which the Governing Board has previously made a decision. Such petition must be submitted to the Governing Board in writing prior to the Regular Meeting of the Governing Board next following the meeting at which the Board decision was made. The petitioning stakeholder shall be afforded an opportunity to address the matter in person before the Governing Board. The matter shall not be reconsidered unless a majority of the Governing Board members vote affirmatively to take up the matter.

Section 702. Grievance Procedure. The Greater Toluca Lake Neighborhood Council shall have a procedure for both the reconsideration of a Board decision and also for considering stakeholder grievances. This procedure shall be consistent with rules and regulations set forth by the City of Los Angeles through its Charter, its ordinances, and its rules as communicated by agencies including the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment. Disagreement with legitimately determined policies or positions of GTLNC shall not be considered a grievance for the purposes of this section. An allegation that the By-Laws, the Charter Plan or any other local, state or federal law has been violated shall be the legitimate subject of the grievance procedure system. For this purpose, the stakeholders at the annual meeting shall elect an Oversight and Grievance Committee, none of whom shall be members of the Governing Board, such committee to consist of three persons. A vacancy on the grievance committee may be filled temporarily by the Governing Board, but that position shall be filled by election by all the stakeholders at the next regularly scheduled meeting of stakeholders.

Persons who wish to claim a grievance may do so by communicating with any member of the grievance committee, and the grievance committee shall invite the persons claiming a grievance to present arguments and evidence, which may include testimony, to the committee. The grievance committee shall act to hear a grievance within thirty days of the initial communication and shall prepare a report and recommendation to the GTLNC to be presented at its next meeting, or at least no later than the following meeting. The grievance committee may on its own volition communicate its findings directly to the DONE in addition to reporting to the Governing Board. The Governing Board shall include grievance committee reports in its agenda and shall hear the reports in a timely manner as described above. Any aggrieved stakeholder has the right of appeal to DONE a decision by the GTNLC.


Section 801. Amendment. Amendment of the By-laws will be made upon a two-thirds vote of stakeholders in attendance at the annual meeting. All amendments are subject to review and approval by DONE to ensure they comply with the Plan.


Posted 5/20/03 NO

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Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (DONE)

Posted by outreachadmin on 05/20/2003
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