Greentrees Civic Association

November 2001 Newsletter

Sep 05, 2007

Editors: Ted & Angie Yeiser
Annual Membership
Meeting Set

The Greentrees Civic Association will conduct a membership meeting on November 27th. It will be held at the Church of the Holy Spirit at 7:00 p.m. At the meeting, the Nominating Committee will introduce the Slate of Officers nominated to serve for the year 2002. The Officer nominees are:

Ann Schmitt
1st Vice President:
Mark White
2nd Vice President:
Tom Wheeler
B.J. Worthy
Bob & Jennifer Timm

Executive Committee

Holmes Park/Kirby Parkway Director:
Guy Treece
Newsletter Editor:
Ted & Angie Yeiser
Garden Tour Representative:
Ann Florendo

Section 1 Representative:
Ann Elliott
Section 2 Representative: Mary Turner
Section 3 Representative:
Kim Dismukes

Section 4 Representative:
Mary Margaret Ware
Section 5 Representative:
Shelly & John Anderson

Speaker at Meeting:
Also, at this meeting we are fortunate to have Judge Larry Potter, who presides over the Environmental Law Court. Judge Potter is an interesting and entertaining speaker who will share with us insights on maintaining a great neighborhood.

*Remember to mark your calender, November 27th. Don?’t miss the opportunity to meet and visit your Greentrees neighbors.

Officer Nominees

Ann Schmit is being nominated to serve as the Association?’s 2001-2002 President. Ann and her husband Charles have lived in Greentrees for 10 years, and have been involved in the fight to keep Greentrees clean and beautiful by volunteering in the clean-ups staged by the Civic Association, working as Garden Tour volunteers, and contributing in many other ways as well. Ann is a delightful and charming lady who is well qualified for the job. She is currently serving as Treasurer for the Greentrees Garden Club, and is very active in other community affairs. Ann has always been ready and willing to help in any way to keep Greentrees a great place to live. If you have not met Ann, make an effort to do so and see what a great neighbor you have.

Mark White has agreed to serve another year as our First Vice President. This will be Mark?’s third term to serve in this position. Mark and his wife Kathy have lived in Greentrees since 1995. Mark is a successful businessman, owning and operating Grand Rental Stations. He is involved in church activities at Highland Street Church of Christ, and has been Greentrees liaison with the East Memphis Police Department. Mark attends monthly meetings with the Police Department in order to keep up with crime trends. Mark has been an outstanding asset to Greentrees, and we are delighted to have him back for another year. Thanks Mark for all your hard work.

Tom Wheeler is a neighbor who is dedicated to helping the association stay in touch with it?’s members. Tom has served for several years as Second Vice President. He has done an exceptional job in keeping up with our Membership each year. This is no easy task.. However Tom has risen to the challenge. He has organized all of our addresses on adatabase to help track membership dues and prepare labels for the newsletter. Tom was also been a great help in the printing of our last Neighborhood Directory. Tom and his wife, Mary Francis, have lived in Greentrees since 1974. The Wheeler?’s enjoy traveling and have arranged wonderful group tours for the Crescent Club, as well as publishing a newsletter called ?”London?’s Secrets?”.
They also have arranged many small individual trips to Europe, and elsewhere. Thanks Tom for all your effort and hard work.

Bobbie Worthy (better known as B.J.) has agreed to serve as our Secretary. B.J. has lived in Greentrees since 1976. She is the mother of three sons, and is very proud of their accomplishments. B.J. taught English for 10 years and later started a second career in Real Estate. She is an Agent with ReMax and is very active in the business. B.J. is currently serving as President of Memphis Silver Bullet Ski Club. Thanks B.J. for giving your time to Greentrees. What better place to contribute time and effort than to your own neighborhood!. We will all benefit from your help and great example.

Bob and Jennifer Timm have agreed to share the position of Treasurer. The Timm?’s have lived in Greentrees since 1990. They have two children, Peyton a student at St. Agnes, and Brittany a student at Mississippi State. Bob is a Real Estate Agent with Crye Leike and Jennifer is a CPA with International Paper. We are fortunate to have such qualified people to share this very important position. Thanks Bob and Jennifer for being dedicated to Greentrees.
A Word of Thanks!

A well deserved ?“thank you?” goes out to the Greentrees Civic Association Nominating Committee. The committee?’s job is to find Greentrees residents who are qualified and willing to serve as officers of the Civic Association. This is not an easy job. But leave it to these dedicated Greentrees residents to get the job done. Thanks to Guy Treece, Fred Nowak, Kay Callahan, and Joan Vegezzi for all their hard work and dedication to Greentrees. You help make Greentrees a better place to live.

Believe it or Not...
The 8th Annual
Garden Tour
is already being

The Garden Tour Committee recently held a meeting to discuss Greentrees 8th Annual Garden Tour. The date for the tour was selected. It will be held May 4, 2001. There are already several homeowners who have agreed to share their gardens. If you would like to be considered for our next tour or know a neighbor in Greentrees who you would like to recommend for the tour, please feel free to call Angie Yeiser at 753-2414, Norma Smith at 755-1427, or Wilma Goode at 756-4663. The Garden Tour Committee is looking forward to another wonderful tour.

Members of the committee will also be looking for volunteers to help greet the many visitors who come to tour our neighborhood. So when youreceive a call to help, please agree to give an hour or so of your time. It is a tremendous benefit to our neighborhood.

Yard of the Month

*Sept..Russell & Paula Boone
6584 Black Thorne Cove
*Oct...Joseph & Shirley Talarico
6796 Sunburst Cove
*Nov...Harry & Olivia Coleman
2221 Thornwood Lane

Keep up the good work, we are always looking for our next yard of the month winner. It could be you!

New Neighbors!!!!
Home, Sweet, Home

Be sure to help welcome our new neighbors to Greentrees.

* John & Elizabeth Robinson
6883 Red Gum Cove
* Hanson & Windy Dabbous
2119 Hickory Crest Dr.
* Bradley Seessel
2242 Thornwood Lane
* Joseph & Sandra Roth
2198 Kirby Parkway

Need Your
Pool Closed?

Complete Winterization and covering for a reasonable rate. Call John at 755-9162.

Need Tree Work..
Landscape work, etc.?
Heil Landscaping
Chris Heil cell 246-9787
Dependable and performs extremely good work. Give Chris a call to line him up!
****FALL is on the way and soon the leaves will be everywhere*****.

You have heard this many times, however, it deserves repeating. So here is a friendly reminder. Please rake and pick up your leaves as often as you can. This helps cut down on the possibility that they will wind up in a neighbor?’s yard or in our street gutters. There are parts of Greentrees that are officially considered to be a flood zone. At times in the past, floating leaves and other debris have clogged up gutters during heavy fall rains causing street flooding that is not only inconvenient but can be hazardous as well. It is especially important to remember that after you have raked and bagged the leaves, to put the bags on the median, or sidewalk, not on the street. We have all seen the occasion when a ?“Memphis Monsoon?” has resulted in leaf bags floating down the street gutters. This can result in serious drainage backup. So please do your part and help prevent flooding in our neighborhood should a heavy rain occur. Also many homeowners are having tree work performed. Please inform the tree service that by law they are required to remove all limbs they cut. But, a homeowner?’s own cuttings can be left for the City of Memphis to pickup, pleasemake sure that all limbs and branches are placed on the median, not the street, so as not to block the view of motorists trying to turn onto streets or get out of their driveways. There have been a couple of accidents when drivers were unable to see over the debris. Please try to be courteous to your neighbors.

Crime Watch

Unfortunately, while the seasons come and go, crime continues. Be ?“crime smart?”. Do not leave anything of value in your carport, garage, car, etc. for someone to steal. Criminals drive around just looking for victims to prey upon. Be sure to lock all your doors even when you are home and it wouldn?’t hurt to even set your alarm when you are hone during the day. With Fall here, many will be outside raking and bagging leaves. Thieves love to see this......they just wait and look for an open door out of view and then enter your home. It seems to happen every year. Let?’s see if we can stop the thieves this year by locking up your home, being aware of what is going on around you and watching out for each other.

Some recent events.....

* There have been a series of petty thefts in our neighborhood. Items have been taken from cars, lawn equipment taken from carports and garages.

* A Greentrees neighbor onHickory Crest recently had a personal identity theft.

Be sure to shred any personal or financial items you place into your garbage. All it takes is for someone to get your social security number, etc. and they can become ?“you?”. The resulting financial trouble can take a long time to get straight.

*A Greentrees neighbor on Hickory Crest Cove recently had his car stolen in broad daylight. He actually watched from his kitchen window as the nervy thief raced the car out of the driveway.

* There was a recent break-in on Wildberry.

If you see any strangers pulling into a neighbor?’s driveway when you know the neighbor is away from home, keep an eye out. If the situation looks very suspicious, call the police. At a minimum, note the license number of the vehicle and a description of the individuals and vehicle.

Share with your neighbors any strange or illegitimate activities you observe so they, too, can be on alert and be a part of crime prevention in Greentrees.

As a reminder, if anyone knows of a crime that has occurred in Greentrees, please call the police department (528-2222), and our East Precinct Advisor, Mark White (754-8149). If Mark is made aware of a crime, he can follow-up during his monthly meeting with Precinct Officers. Thank you for your support and remember to keep a protectiveeye on your neighbors and their property.

Holidays and Crime

Just a reminder to have Federal Express, UPS or any other service place your packages delivered to you in a out of sight location. If a Thief sees a package sitting on your front porch, it only encourages them to come up to your home to get a better look around.


Our condolences go out to:

*Mary & Kenneth Turner on the death of Mary?’s two brothers.

Takes Shape

Vince Smith, developer of the 17 acre tract at Kirby Road and Messick, is planning to have the development?’s 48 lots ready for sale in approximately 45 days. Work is currently underway on an eight-foot high brick wall along the Messick frontage. A fence consisting of wood between brick pillars will be constructed along the Kirby Road and Kirby Parkway borders of the project. ?“The basic size of the lots is 65 by 140 feet and they will be selling between $80,000 and $140,000,?” Smith said. He is encouraged by the interest shown in the development byseveral quality builders, and estimates that the homes to be build will range in price from $400,000 to $500,000. Smith says he hopes to have the Cul De Sac on Kirby Road built by the time the State of Tennessee completes the Kirby Parkway extension between Quince and Messick. Asked about plans for the remaining acreage just east of the current development, Smith said that ?“when we do it, it will be residential and similar in character to our current development,?” but stated that no firm plans have been made yet. The developer said the lots in the development are available for sale to the general public ?“and I?’d love to talk with anyone who is interested.?” Inquiries about the property should be directed to Smith by calling 324-0321.

Irrigation Grant
Being Processed

A Community Development Grant awarded to the Greentrees Civic Association for installation of an irrigation system at the entrance of Holmes Park, along with two signposts, one at each end of the neighborhood on the Kirby Parkway median, is working its way through final approval stages within city government. The grant, for approximately $9,500, is being finalized by Vernua Hanrahan, manager of the Memphis Center for Neighborhoods. A contractoutlining the construction specifics, including inspections by the city?’s code enforcement office and the Park Commission staff, will be presented for signature by the Association?’s president upon review by the City Attorney?’s office. Ms. Hanrahan was enlisted to expedite completion of several grant applications which have been delayed or held up due to complications over city requirements not anticipated by the various neighborhood organizations seeking the grant funds. For example, the Greentrees grant originally was approved for an irrigation system at each end of Kirby Parkway median. However, requirements by the City Engineer?’s Office for an engineering survey and other expenses made that proposal financially unfeasible. The Association?’s grant writer, Guy Treece, then resubmitted a proposal calling for the Irrigation system to be installed in Holmes Park.

a Neighbor******

With this newsletter edition we shine the ?“Spotlight?” on the outgoing President of our Civic Association, Bonnie Ragland. It is hard to imagine that there could be a more worthy honoree. Bonnie?’s service to our neighborhood has been invaluable. She has served as the Association President for seven terms - 1994,1996, 1997,1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001. Bonnie and her husband Ty are building a retirement home in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina and she understandably believes that the time has now come to ?“pass the torch?” to others. Bonnie?’s service as President of the Association would certainly have been enough in and of itself , to merit recognition. But, that service is actually only one aspect of the contributions she has made to all who live in Greentrees. Here is just a partial list of her many well-known accomplishments:
* Updated Association By-Laws and Restrictions; Assisted in the development of the neighborhood address and telephone directory; *Assisted Guy Treece in the creation and development of Holmes Park;
* Played a role in the origination of the Garden Tour and served on the Tour Committee in the years since;
* Helped lead the effort of our own Association and other Associations in the surrounding area to insure acceptable development of the property south of Messick, an effort that stopped the building of a school on the property and helped insure that the property be developed as single family residential. (Note: the latest word is that the site now being developed will consist of single family homes in the $400,000 to $500,000 price range);
* Participated with cityofficials in discussions regarding plans to expand Kirby Parkway and the placement of Greentrees neighborhood entry signs that soon will be built at each end of the Parkway.

It is significant contributions such as these that resulted in Bonnie being recognized by others outside our neighborhood, indeed, by those who play major roles in their own neighborhoods. Bonnie?’s contributions were recognized on a city-wide basis when she was selected Neighborhood Association Leader of the Year.
But Bonnie?’s contributions have gone well beyond those that reach public attention. Like many residents, Bonnie takes regular walks through our beautiful neighborhood. But Bonnie uses her walks for more than just exercise. She frequently carries a plastic trash bag and uses her walks as an opportunity to pick up discarded cans, food wrappers, etc., thereby even spending her ?“spare time?” to help all of us better enjoy out neighborhood. And these individual efforts to keep our neighborhood clean are in addition to the efforts she has undertaken to assemble on an ?“as neede?” basis a group of ?“trash pickers?” who with Bonnie ?“on the point,?” walk while bending at the waist to pick-up debris along the Messick ditch. Bonnie is even one of our neighbors who is willing to risk life and limb for the neighborhood. She helps plant the flowers and maintain the beds and other plantings in the median on Kirby Parkway. As we all know the median is long, but you don?’t realize how narrow it is until you?’ve stood on it with cars whipping by on both sides at 40 to 50 miles per hour.

Bonnie?’s personal life has been filled with accomplishments too. A native of Missouri, she graduated from old ?“Mizzou?” with a degree in journalism. She later earned a law degree at the University of Memphis. In her varied working career she has been a newspaper reporter, practiced family law, and worked along with her husband in their Market Research Company. And while doing all of that and so much for our neighborhood, she also had the role of mother and grandmother.

It is sometimes said that ?“no one is irreplaceable?”. There is, however, an exception to every rule. We have such an exception here in the case of this exceptional neighbor who has poured her heart and soul into our neighborhood to the betterment of all. We know that every resident of Greentrees wants to express deep appreciation to Bonnie for all she has done and wish her the very best for the future.

Do you know someone who deserves being in the ?“spotlight?”? Please get involved in your neighborhood. Send in a letter regarding someone you think deserves this honor and it will be published in an upcoming Newsletter

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