Greentrees Civic Association

Greentrees Bylaws--revised

These were presented tonight at the Greentrees Meeting

Greentrees Bylaws (Revised)

Adopted by the membership of the Association, January 28, 1997, Memphis, TN.

ARTICLE 1 – Name and Boundaries

The name of this voluntary non profit association of residents of the Greentrees Subdivision, hereafter called Subdivision, shall be called the Greentrees Civic Association, hereafter called the Association. The Subdivision boundaries can be found at the Shelby County Register’s Office as follows: Sec. A in Plat Bk. 32, pg. 39, Sec. B in Plat Bk. 33, pg. 22; and Sec. C in Plat Bk. 46, pg. 53 revised. The Subdivision is located in Voting Precinct 81-03.

ARTICLE II – Purposes

The purposes of the Association shall be:

Section 1. To promote and protect the common interest of the property owners and residents of the Subdivision.

Section 2. To provide a forum for residents to exchange ideas and interest having a commonality to the residents of the Subdivision.

Section 3. To maintain, protect, and enhance the Subdivision and to promote a sense of community pride.

Section 4. To represent the Subdivision as a unified body in matters of concern to the residents.

Section 5. To keep the residents informed of civic affairs and public and governmental issues that involve the Subdivision.


The Association may only engage in the raising of funds and dues for the maintenance
of the Association and for the benefit of the neighborhood.

Article IV – Membership

Any household in the Subdivision may be a member of this Association upon payment
of dues.


The annual dues of the membership shall be specified by the Executive Committee with the approval by the membership. Dues are payable on or before January 1 of each year.

ARTICLE VI – Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of the Association shall consist of:

Section 1. Officers of the Association

Section 2. Five Area Representatives

Section 3. Garden Tour Representative

Section 4. Parkway and Park Representative

Section 5. Newsletter Editor

ARTICLE VII – Officers and Duties

Section 1. The Officers of the Association shall be the President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. All officers must be members of the Association prior to election.

Section 2. Duties of the Officers:

A. The President of the Association shall act as presiding officer at regular and special meetings, and at meetings of the Executive Committee. The President will appoint committees, and shall serve as ex-officio member of all committees with the exception of the Nominations Committee.

B. The first Vice-President shall serve as presiding officer in the absence of the President and shall be responsible for Programs at general membership meetings.

C. The Second Vice-President shall be responsible for promotion and collection of dues for the Association and have available at all regular and special meetings of the Association a current record of all dues paying members.

D. The Secretary shall take minutes of Executive Committee meetings, Association meetings, and other special meetings called by the President. It shall be the Secretary’s duty to carry on all correspondence deemed necessary by the Association.

E. The Treasurer shall receive all monies belonging to the Association, keep accurate records of all receipts and expenditures, report to the Executive Committee and general membership. The Treasurer shall have available at regular and special meetings of the Association a current record for all dues paying members as received from the Second Vice-President. An audit shall be conducted at the end of each calendar year.

Section 3. Duties of the Executive Committee

A. The Executive Committee shall meet a minimum of four times a year
and as often as necessary to conduct the affairs of the Association.

B. The Executive Committee shall recommend any changes of annual
dues to the membership for approval before the final membership
meeting of the calendar year.

C. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for approving all expenditures up to a maximum of $1,000.00 unless previously authorized by the general membership of the Association.

D. Although the basic authority for management of the Association rests with the members, the Executive Committee shall have the power to act for the membership between general meetings of the Association. Such transactions of the Executive Committee shall be reported to the membership at the next general meeting.

E. Any member of the Executive Committee with an excess of three absences without valid reason from the Executive Committee and Association meetings during term of office shall be removed from the Executive Committee.

ARTICLE VIII – Nominations and Elections

Section 1. Nominating Committee:

A. At least thirty days prior to the election of Officers, Representatives
and Editor, the Executive Committee shall appoint a Nominating
Committee composed of three Association members.

B. The Nominating Committee shall elect its chairman who will serve as
the Elections Officer, with the remaining two members serving as
Elections Officials. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate
of Officers, Representatives and Editor to be presented to the
membership of the Association. At the Association meeting, the
Election Officer will present the slate to the members and explain the
procedure of the election.

Section 2. Election of Officers, Representatives, and Editor:

A. The election of Officers, Representatives and Editor shall be held at
the first meeting of the membership of the calendar year.

B. Each member present is entitled to one vote.

C. In addition to the slate presented by the Nominating Committee, nominations may be made by the members of the Association from the floor. Concurrence by a nominee is required.

D. Election shall be by majority vote.

Section 3. Vacancies:

A. A vacancy of an Officer, Representative or Editor shall be filled by the Executive Committee and ratified by the general membership, with the exception that vacancy of the office of President which shall be filled by the First Vice-President.

B. An Officer, Representative, or Editor appointed by the Executive Committee to fill a vacancy shall serve for the unexpired term of the predecessor in office.

ARTICLE IX – Committees

Section 1. Special Committee members shall be appointed by the President unless
otherwise prescribed by the Bylaws.

Section 2. Special Committees may be established and their function assigned at the
discretion of the President.

ARTICLE X – Meetings

Section 1. Meetings of the general membership of the Association established by the
Executive Committee, shall be held twice each calendar year.

Section 2. A quorum shall consist of a majority of those members present. Issues
affecting the Association which require a vote shall be passed by a
majority of those present.

Section 3. On all matters of procedure not specifically indicated in the Bylaws, the
official authority of procedure for transacting business of the Association
or Executive Committee will be the latest edition of Robert Rules of

ARTICLE XI – Amendments

Section 1. Proposed amendments to these bylaws shall be initiated by the membership through written petitions to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall make such proposed amendment known in writing at least five days before the Association meeting in which the proposed amendment is to be presented.

Section 2. Amendments shall be voted on during a general membership meeting. Adoption shall require two-thirds majority vote of those members present.

ARTICLE XII – Disbursement of Assets

In the event the Association is abolished, all assets of the Association shall be donated to a non-profit organization with a related purpose. The membership of the Association shall determine by majority vote the organization that shall receive the assets of the Association.


SECTION C, as shown on plat of record in plat Book 43, Page 8, in the Register’s Office of Shelby County, Tennessee, re-recorded in Plat Book 46, Page 53, in said Register’s Office.

A. All lots in the tract shall be known and described as residential lots and are not to be re-subdivided into small lots.

B. No building shall be erected, placed or altered on any lot in this subdivision until the building plans, specifications and plot plans, showing the location of such building, shall have been approved in writing as to conformity and harmony with existing structures in this subdivision, and as to location of building with respect to topography and finished ground elevation by Tanglewood, Inc., or by representative duly appointed by said corporation. In the event that said corporation, of its designated representative, fails to approve or disapprove such design and location within a period of thirty (30) days after said plans and specification have been submitted to them or if no litigation to enjoin the erection of such building or the making of such alterations has been commenced prior to the completion thereof, such approval will not be required, and this covenant will be deemed to have been fully complied with. Neither the members of the corporation, nor its designated representative shall cease on and after January 1, 2000. Thereafter the approval described in this covenant shall not be required unless, prior to said date, and effective thereon, a written instrument shall be executed by the then record owners of the majority of the lots in this subdivision and duly recorded, appointing a representative of representatives, who shall thereafter exercise the same powers previously exercised by the Committee.

C. Tanglewood, Inc. reserves unto itself the right to impose additional and separate
restrictions at the time of sale of any of the plots sold by it in this subdivision, which said
restrictions may not be uniform, but may differ as to different plots.

D. No structure shall be erected, placed, altered, or permitted to remain on any lot in this
subdivision, other than one detached single family dwelling of not more than two stories
in height, with one private garage for not more than three (3) cars and one servant house
having not more than two rooms and inside toilet. Garage and servants house shall not
be more than one story in height.

E. The minimum setback from street to building shall meet the approval of the Building
Department of the City of Memphis.

F. No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on upon any lot nor shall
anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the

G. No trailer, basement, tent, shack, barn or other outbuilding erected in the tract shall at
any time be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently nor shall any structure of a
temporary character be used as a residence.

H. There is a perpetual easement as shown on the recorded plan of subdivision reserved for utility installation and maintenance and drainage.

I. The minimum ground floor area of single-family dwellings, exclusive of one-story porches and garages shall be 1850 square feet for a one-story swelling and 1700 square feet for a two-story dwelling.

J. These covenants are to run with the land and shall be binding on all the parties and all persons claiming under them until January 1, 2000, at which time said covenants shall be automatically extended for successive period of ten (10) years unless by a vote of the majority of the then owners of the lots it is agreed to change said covenants in whole or in part.

K. If the parties hereto, or any of them or their heirs or assigns, shall violate or attempt to violate any of the covenants herein, it shall be lawful for any other person or persons owning real property in said subdivision to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attempting to violate such covenant and rather to prevent him or them from so doing or to recover damages of other dues for such violation.

L. Invalidation of any of these covenants by judgement or court order shall in no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect.


The restrictions as set out on the Plat of Section A, Greentrees Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 32, Pages 38 and 39, Register’s Office of Shelby County, Tennessee, shall apply to all lots in Section B, except that on Lot 301, a Church may be permitted.

SECTION A Restrictions: Greentrees Subdivision as shown on plat of record in Plat Book 32, Pages 38 and 39, in the Register’s Office of Shelby County, Tennessee.

A. All lots in the tract shall be known and described as residential lots and are not to be re-subdivided into smaller lots. B. No building shall be erected, placed or altered on any lot in this subdivision until the building plans, specifications and plot plans, showing the location of such building, shall have been approved in writing as to conformity and harmony with existing structures in this subdivision, and as to location of building with respect to topography and finished ground elevation by Tanglewood, Inc., or by representative duly appointed by said corporation. In the event that said corporation, of its designated representative, fails to approve or disapprove such design and location within a period of thirty (30) days after said plans and specification have been submitted to them or if no litigation to enjoin the erection of such building or the making of such alterations has been commenced prior to the completion thereof, such approval will not be required, and this covenant will be deemed to have been fully complied with. Neither the members of the corporation, nor its designated representative shall cease on and after January 1, 1991. Thereafter the approval described in this covenant shall not be required unless, prior to said date, and effective thereon, a written instrument shall be executed by the then record owners of the majority of the lots in this subdivision and duly recorded, appointing a representative of representatives, who shall thereafter exercise the same powers previously exercised by the Committee.

C. Tanglewood, Inc. reserves unto itself the right to impose additional and separate
restrictions at the time of sale of any of the plots sold by it in this subdivision, which said
restrictions may not be uniform, but may differ as to different plots.

D. No structure shall be erected, place, altered, or permitted to remain on any lot in this
Subdivision, other than one detached single family dwelling of not more than two stories
in height, with one private garage for not more than three (3) cars and one servant house
having not more than two rooms and inside toilet. Garage and servants house shall not
be more than one story in height.

E. The minimum setback from street to building shall meet the approval of the Building
Department of the City of Memphis.

F. No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on upon any lot nor shall
anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the

G. No trailer, basement, tent, shack, barn or other outbuilding erected in the tract shall at
any time be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently nor shall any structure of a
temporary character be used as a residence.

H. There is a perpetual easement as shown on the recorded plan of subdivision reserved for utility installation and maintenance and drainage.

I. The minimum ground floor area of single-family dwellings, exclusive of one-story porches and garages on Lots 1 through 138 in this subdivision shall be 2450 square feet for a one-story dwelling and 2200 square feet for a two-story dwelling and on Lots 139 through 277 the minimum ground floor area of single family dwellings, exclusive of one-story porches and garages, shall be 1850 square feet for a one-story dwelling and 1700 square feet for a two-story dwelling.

J. These covenants are to run with the land and shall be binding on all the parties and all persons claiming under them until January 1, 2000, at which time said covenants shall be automatically extended for successive period of ten (10) years unless by a vote of the majority of the then owners of the lots it is agreed to change said covenants in whole or in part.

K. If the parties hereto, or any of them or their heirs or assigns, shall violate or attempt to violate any of the covenants herein, it shall be lawful for any other person or persons owning real property in said subdivision to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attempting to violate such covenant and rather to prevent him or them from so doing or to recover damages of other dues for such violation.

L. Invalidation of any of these covenants by judgement or court order shall in no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect.

AMENDMENT TO RESTRICTIONS of record in Book 6097, Page 146, in the Register’s Office in Shelby County, Tennessee:

Paragraph I is hereby amended to read as follows:

The minimum ground floor area of single-family dwellings, exclusive of one-story porches and garages on Lots 1 through 78, Lots 80 through 108, and Lots 245 through 255, shall be 2250 square feet. The minimum ground floor area of one and one-half or two-story dwellings shall be 1650 square feet. A variation of 5% from the minimum ground floor area of one and one-half or two-story dwellings as required herein shall not constitute a violation of this covenant. The minimum ground floor area of one-story dwellings, exclusive of one-story porches and garages, on Lot 79 and on Lots 109 throu 244, and Lots 256 through 277, shall be 1850 square feet. The minimum ground floor area of one and one-half or two-story dwellings shall be 1400 square feet with a total area of not less than 1850 square feet. A variation of 5% from the minimum ground floor area of one and one-half or two-story dwellings as required herein does not constitute a violation of this covenant.

AMENDMENT of record in Book 6250, Page 51, in the Register’s Office in Shelby County, Tennessee:

RELEASE DEED, releasing any interest the Memphis, Light, Gas & Water Division may have in various utility easements granted along the rear and side property lines of Lots 1 through 277, Section A, Greentrees Subdivision.

Memphis, Light, Gas & Water Division is not using the easements along the rear and side property lines of Lots 1 through 277, of said subdivision, and there are no facilities on said easements belonging to the Memphis, Light, Gas & Water Division, said dedication was made in Plat Book 32, Pages 38 and 39.

The City of Memphis, through its Board of Commissions hereby releases and quit-claims all right, title and interest the Memphis, Light, Gas & Water Division may have acquired in the various easements along the rear side property lines of Lots 1 through 277, Section A, Greentrees Subdivision recorded in Plat Book 32, Pages 38 and 39, to Tanglewood, Inc.

Posted by greentrees on 10/27/2005
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