Is the glass half full or empty? Is this just water over the dam? Or, is the dam about to burst? Take your pick. Your choice will determine, in large part, how you reacted to the unannounced, hefty water bills many villagers received last week in the mail.
In a letter dated January 14, 2002 from WaterMaster America, Inc., a vendor selected to read our water meters on a monthly basis, we are told in a manner that raises as many questions as it answers that ?¡?¥we have been reading your meters since they were installed in 2001?¡?¦, and that ?¡?¥on the request of the developer, we have not billed for previous water usage.?¡?¦
The letter concludes by saying, ?¡?¥enclosed are back bills for 2001. If you did not live in the unit during any of the time periods, please disregard the bill.?¡?¦
The scatter-gun accuracy of this billing, combined with the contradiction in what many of us recall being told by the builder, raises important questions regarding our water billing system. Public vs. private water rates, and the separation of water usage between ongoing construction activity and genuine common area maintenance are additional concerns.
Many of our villagers contacted Robin Bollinger, the Case Bowen property manager responsible for the on-going operation and maintenance of our condominium community, and informed her that the size and surprise of these water bills was unacceptable. Moreover, their dismay was exacerbated by the assurances they had been given by Homestead Communities that all water bills would be its responsibility until a future date.
Adding insult to injury, was the ongoing entreaty by the developer to lend a hand and water the sod, trees, and bushes through each of our respective spigots. In good faith, many obliged; some by purchasing sprinkling devices and watering for hours and days on end.
Indeed, some unit owners singled-handedly supplied all the water for pocket parks and large common areas last year, not once thinking they would eventually be billed for their acts of kindness and compliance.
?¡?¥HomeStead Resident Group?¡?¦ Launched
In a special, impromptu meeting held on Saturday, January 19th, at 3748 Trellis Lane, 23 villagers brought their water bills and concerns about the latest in a series of missteps that has, unfortunately, become emblematic of the standard operating procedures of Homestead Communities..
During an hour meeting, many owners spoke about their water bill, representations made to them by the builder about landscaping, the ?¡?¥leak in the lake?¡?¦; and, ongoing construction, which has a direct bearing on the water flow in our development.
Although the water bill served as the catalyst for the meeting and the ensuing discussion, other concerns were raised. One items some perceive as a conflict of interest, is the cold, hard fact that the builder also serves as our association.
Specifically, as a calculation of the total number of units Homestead Communities may build (272) as set forth its declaration to the Franklin County Auditor, 68 units (25% of 272) must be sold before the builder will, in its sole discretion, appoint one resident to replace one of the builder?¡?¦s agents on the association board. A full board of six elected residents, which will eventually constitute the association, will only materialize following the sale of 204 units (75% of 272).
In a final demonstration that the Ohio condominium law was designed and built to benefit builders and developers, you may want to comb through your ?¡?¥unit purchase agreement?¡?¦ where, according to section 14 (Association Management and Control), you find that the ?¡?¥Seller (Homestead Communities) has reserved the right, as more fully described in the Declaration, to appoint and remove members of the Board of Trustees and officers of the Association and exercise the powers and responsibilities otherwise assigned by law or the Declaration to the Association, the Board of Trustees, and the officers of the Association, for a period as long as five years from the date of the filing of the Declaration.?¡?¦
Having heard and absorbed the full measure of comments and observations from those in attendance, it was agreed to by acclamation that the ad hoc group would do the following:
?¡P Reconvene next Saturday, January 26th at 10:30am, at 3748 Trellis Lane.
?¡P Nominate and elect residents who will represent us with a single voice to Homestead Communities.
?¡P Come to an agreement on a single response to Homestead Communities on the water bill issue.
?¡P During the intervening week, inform neighbors who were unable to attend of the purpose of our meeting, ask them not to pay their water bill, and encourage them to attend the follow up meeting so we?¡?¦ll have everyone?¡?¦s involvement and input.
Request for Information
?¡P Receive a full accounting of all Association funds collected and spent in the past, and on an ongoing basis.
?¡P Receive full and complete copies of minutes from all Association meeting to date, and on an ongoing basis.
?¡P Be permitted to have our representatives attend, observe, and record all future Association meetings.
HomeStead Resident Group ?¡X Form
If you are unable to attend this Saturday?¡?¦s meeting of the HomeStead Resident?¡?¦s Group, please make your selection and return it to The HomeSteader at 3748 Trellis Lane. This will enable your voice to be heard and counted.
If you prefer, please contact us and we?¡?¦ll come to your home.
Check the appropriate boxes
???¡ I?¡?¦m not paying my water bill until a full explanation is received from the builder.
???¡ I?¡?¦m paying my water bill now
???¡ I?¡?¦d like to be a HomeStead Resident Group representative.
I want to represent my district (check one box)
???¡ District 1 (Bickford Court)
???¡ District 2 (Central Park)
???¡ District 3 (Willingford Lane)
???¡ District 4 (Renwick Lane)
???¡ District 5 (Bentgate Lane)
Please sign and return this page to Dennis Anthony or John Spinelli ASAP. Thank you.